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Show i ... p Wallpaper - I MourUp-ft(allpape.fs I If V' Ordinary Prices - , &' , I) I m ! fj traorrXvaJue:,4 I J I Wilkinson & Son 1uIl!4'L1-11"L1 ,1, JLJJ '- Vll 3 tin Bros., - 7 1 y$Th Mach,",?ts N I Ha'a' complete sfock. of "Wa I goif and'Bnggy materials. Can Idoallulcijids of repairing! yn-I yn-I eluding ttiggy tpp and nphol-I nphol-I tering "work, 'faye recently purchased a machine for setting set-ting rubber tires, occhannels,. thus, -converting steel to , xub-ber xub-ber tire biiggieg. v AIL wor: guaranteed. If .. ....FOR v Successor to THOMAS & QDEEL. r -, , Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tlthlso Office corner, logaa, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for.!... FARM AND CITY. LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions 'charged; . . t,-.. :-. j.-... . . . . . i K ,( (Women jnfPiiraguay. j, . ''In .Paraguay tlioj women are1 in, the, b'roportton ofiseycn o 'one as coin KjtYed' with jjbe raon.The-consoieunce Bf lint th"e men are taken 'the greatest Bfcro ofnd everything hlch, .Is un-Mjeasant un-Mjeasant or might be risky to the life HJC a man la done by'the woraeni The Streets are clenned, ships are loaded. Mf en arc driven liy them, and It is Ben said thai they1 liavo taken part In Shelr country's wars, acting as subsll-lltjpr subsll-lltjpr their menklnd. phyMnGfoWeak It Is Due to a Wasting o'f the, Most j:'1 Vital Elements,' WhlcCi Destroys the Whole of the Bodily Forces. ', j It makos young men feci old and It I cuts off thb usefulness ot middle-aged I 'and old men Jong before their allotted I tltno, resulting In 'premature decline I and decay. It robs tho blood ot all I its richness, exhausts tho body of Its I animating powers, and saps tho very Jlfo Itself from tho brain and nerve 'centers. Dr.- Chaso's Blood and, Nervo J"ood acts at onco upon this Impoverished Impov-erished condition of tho blood, brain and nerve, .forces, stopping tho drain and replacing tho run down and worn I out tissues with tho samo material 'that has been wasted. It fills tho shriveled arteries with pure, rich lilood, which Increases tho weight In pound, healthy flesh and muscles, that give you BtrongUjv aml.;tho brain 'and nerves with' freshy 'vlta." fluid, ,that forces now'llfo' and '-lgojy.lnto pvery; portion of : tho" bodybuilding up tho-cntlro tho-cntlro systom and transforming thb, uufforcr Into" a typo of perfect 'manhood. 'man-hood. Weigh yourself before taking It. Prlco BO cents. Book free. - SoTd and Guaranteed by Ritcr Bros flrug Co. Logan; , Utah; Montpelier, -esUm- and Franklin-Idaho - Joseph E. Wilson Jr. ( Contractor of all kinds of Cement and Concrete WoriT Estimates given on Cement Side-, walk, Cement driveways, Ccmcritcurb and gutter. Cement and Tile'FJoorsi' Cment window and doori sills, Ce ,"???&, water tables, ,UoI!ow'Concrete BOIIdlng Block, Concrete Foundations',-Culverts Foundations',-Culverts and Bridges, Cement Sewer. Elpc.ctc, Stock of Portland Cement-always Cement-always on hand. Offfcc "' sSiTth' first EasTst., Logan Real Estate and Lean Company has a number of First-class Drj and Irrigated "drTtef m's6f Mr Caslir City proper?, '.tjrdq angaria of town. Long time "Farms Loans a specialty,- Optional payment. Local money money placed. A No. 1 Security'' LOUIS SrCARBOH, Mgr., 1. 1 Forget. About Your Stomach. ' i ' ' ' -' i Jf your digestion is bad the vital organs or-gans of your body are not fed and nourished as they should be. They grow weak and invito disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, cures Indices ton and all stomach trouble. You forget you have a stomach from the very day you begin taking It. Tills Is because it gets a restr-recuperates and gradually grows so strong and healthy that it troubles you no more. Sold by; Biter Bros. Drug Co. TaeOoIy Dooble'-Triclc Railway betweu' i the Miuoari River and Chlcaio. The jjj Overland Limited The Most Luxurious Train lathe World, 'Compartment and drawing -room sleeping ears, observation cars, dln Ing ears, buffet-smoking and IlbrsjV, cars, with barber, bath end Book-, lovers Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chicago without change, f Dlrect'cy nneetloh for St: Paul arid Minneapolis ' TJck'tlC reservation J, anJ full In formation can b obtained from C A. Walker, General Agent, Micagoif& Korth-W'estern Rjf 206 South AUIn Street, VaHHMHT , Frhjhtrol Sulferinj Rtlirvtd. x,'.Su'ffcr'ng frightfully from the virulent viru-lent poisons of undigested food. C. O. Grayson,, of Lula. Miss., took Dr.. King's Ifaw Life Pills, "with the re-sult'Jiowrltes, re-sult'Jiowrltes, "that 1 was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders glvo way to their tonic, laxative properties! 25c, guaranteed. lUtcr Bros. Drug Co. i ' T i , TneRhJht Nime is DeWltl. DeVitt's Witch Hazel Salve cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, bruises, piles and all skin diseases, Kr E. Zlckefoose, Adolph, W. Va. says: "My little daughter had a white swelling swell-ing so bad that piece after piece of bone worked outof her leg. Dc Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." It Is the most wonderful healing salve in the world. Beware of counterfeits. Sold by Riter Bros. Drug Co. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing ttlie right medicine, 13. II. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two years ago 1 had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great- pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which effected a complete cure. I havc found them of great benefit In general debility and nervo trouble, and Keep them constantly on hand, since, as 1 find they have no equal." Hltcr Bros. Drug Co DaWltt's ft!,:. Bmtom For PM, Burn SerM. Cure Coughs and Colds. Mrs. O. Petersen, 025 Lake St. To-peka, To-peka, Kansas, says: "Of all cough remedies re-medies Ballard's Horehound Syrup is my favorite; it has dono, will do all that is claimed for It to speedily cure all coughs and colds and it Is so sweet and pleasant to taste." 25c, 50c, $1.00 bottles. Sold by Rltcr Bros. Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. , A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and It luis been curing Coug.j, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough so long that it has proven Itself to be a tried and true friend to the many who use. It. Sold by Riter Bros DygCo. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. Tho excruciating pains characteristic characteris-tic of rheumatism and sciatica arc quickly relieved by applylngChambcr-Iain's applylngChambcr-Iain's I'aln Balm. The great pain relieving re-lieving power of tho liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. Tho quick relief from pain which it affords is alono worth many times Its cost. For sale by all druggists. A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Bergln, Pann, Ills., writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended It to my friends, as lam contldcnt there Is no better made. 'It Is a dandy for burns." Those who live on farms nrc especl-, ally liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment Is applied. ap-plied. It should always be kept In the house for cases of emergency." 25c, 50c, tl.00 bottles. Sold by Riter Bros. . Drug Co. Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy coui'fi, oppressed, rattling, rasping and dilllcult breathing. Henry O. Stearns, Druggist, Shullsburg. Wis., writes, May 20, 1001: "1 liavo been selling Ballard's Horehound Syrup for two years and have never had a preparation pre-paration that has given better satisfaction, satis-faction, I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more. I can'honestly recommend lt.t'- 25c, 60c, $1.00. Sold by Rltcr Brcs. Drug Co. Won a Name ol Fame. .DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills, have been made famous by their! certain. yet harmless' and gentle'actlon upon the bowels and liver, They have no equal for biliousness, bilious-ness, constipation, etc. They do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or make you feel slck.Once used always preferred. preferr-ed. They strengthen. Sold by Rltcr Bros. Drug Co. ' r - i f Dyspeptics ' It you art too fat it is because your food turns to fat instead of muscje strength. If you are too lean the'f at producing foods that you eat are not properly digested and assimilated. u , , "t (" ' Lean, thin, stringy 'people :do not hare hough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat people have too much -Pepsin and net enough Pancreatine. ft i a Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure contains all the dieestive juices that art found in a healthy" stomach, "and In exactly those proportions necessary to enable the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eaten. Kodol Is not only a perfect digestant, but it is a reconstructive, tissue tis-sue building tonlo as well Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and .Constipation.- You will like It. Digests What You Eat !' Rests the stomach, rebuilds the a tissues and gives firm flesh. . I DUutottUkUltU 1 I I-nu4 Ua Lfc- I Urn u uUil I rturr ! i.0.Ewit UUI,f ll. I j 0.,CHC,P,1,A. Sold and guaranteed by Riter Bros Drug, Co. Logan, Utah; Montpelier, Franklin and Preston, Idaho. Wow!! ' - I Wow !! I wow a I Bush-Bush I Did you read what that Commer- H cial had done to 'em in Salt Lake? H They got skinned to a finish. H Will Logan treat 'em that way H June 940? H Oh no, boys, we will give them a H royal good time. We have a feel- H ing, you know. We will let 'em H down easy? H What's the score? 10 , to 9 in H favor of Logan-just a reverse from M last year, you know M What else is going to be done? Oh will have a parade, you know M (Brig Pyper.) H Bucking bronchos, magnificent M float's, turnouts that beat 'ehi all, , 1 marching clubs, 900 decorated bicy- M cles, seven .bands, the finest horses ' ; M in Utah, cadets in full uniform, col- fl lege displays, silk tile brigade, Logan M fire department Commercial Club, M Tabernacle choir, arid the city coun- cil and county commissioners riding U in the county's 24-ton road leveler M pulled by 200 white horses with M black tails. H Will they see anything else? -? Oh, yes, something like seventeen iH acres of bunting and electric light M displayr. k "The Streets of Cairo"- H seventeen big shows all in one. The B funtiiest that have struck the State. B Grand balls big doin'sv at the Opera B house. Horse racing, as sure as lj H you iive.w A red-hot sizzling time ti B from beginning to end. That ball B game will be worth coming across B the continent to see. B ,Are things progressing properly? ' B Sure! vsure! The Committees are Jj B whooping 'er up about right. :' fl Prepare to get here June 9-10 if :' B you have to travel barefoot all night. B JlJNB 910 I j.H |