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Show PERSONALITY OF "AUTOCRAT." Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Described by Ono Who Knew Him. Mrs. Rebecca Harding Davis writes of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Physically, "Physi-cally, ho waa a (very small man, holding hold-ing himself erect his face Insignia-cant Insignia-cant as Mb figure, except for a long obstinate upper lip ('left to mo,' ho said ono day, 'by some ill-conditioned great-grandmother'), and eyes full of a .wonderful fire and sympathy. No ono on whom Dr. Holmes had once looked with intorest over forgot the look or him. He attracted all kinds of pcoplo as a brilliant, excitablo child ould attract thorn. But nobody, I suspect, ovor succeeded In bolng familiar fa-miliar with him. I remember ono evening that ho quoted one of his poems, po-ems, and I was forced stupidly to acknowledge ac-knowledge that I did not know It. He fairly Jumped to tho bookcaso, took out the volume and road the verses, standing In the ralddlo of tho room, his volco trembling, his wholo body thrilling with their meaning. 'Thero!' ho cried at tho end, his eyos flashing, 'could anybody have said that hotter? Ah-hl' with a long In-drawn breath of delight as ho put tho book back."- |