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Show Generalities. C. V. Hansen general painter. 75tf William Sparks, who Is highly respected re-spected on the west side of the valley, was over from Clarkston on Saturday. M. D. McKano has opened a wholesale whole-sale and retail fruit stand at Bell Bros meat market, North Main strset. tf A little male visitor came to the home of Mrs. Fred Ellwood at Hyde Park on Friday evening. "Bishop" Champ, of the Utah Mortgage Loan, went up Into Gentile valloy Tuesday to look after business. Homcscekers We will show you how to get a home, or pay off a loan onyour propcrty.il. A. Pkdkuson & Co Mlis Tllllc Curtis, daughter of E. M. Curtis of the First ward, has been very ill of typhoid but Is now getting along very nicely. Monitor Range for sale cheap witli some furniture. Mis..). 11. llendiick-son. llendiick-son. The Harris Co. lias just sold two pianos and six oigans at Honcyvlllc. They had two competing, but goj-every goj-every sale In the town and did all the business. The relatives of the late Mrs. Balling Ball-ing desire to express their giatltudc and thanks to their many friends who aided and extended sympathy In their late bereavement. House to rent Fvc looms, live blocks west of the A. C. of U. Apply 50 west 1st North. Account Peach Day at Brigham Sept. 15th, the O. S. L. will sell round trip tickets Cache vdlley points to Brigham at single fare. Tickets on sale Sept. 15th. Good to return same day. One little leak In your roof can spoil thousands of dollars woi th of goods. Wc can stop that at a very small cost. Call and see us. Preston, Pyper &Co. The many friends of Apostle Merrill will be glad to learn that tic has not failed in health during the past month. He is now practically holding hold-ing tils own. The railroads have granted a one-hair one-hair fare rate to Logan to students who contemplate attending the Agricultural Agri-cultural College. Agents In Utah will sell "tickets on Sept. 18, and at ail other stations on Sept. 17. East Garland WardJ Box Elder Co., has bought a line new Estcy Church Organ. This makes 40 church organs the narris Music Co. lias sold. A twenty round contest has been arranged to take place bewecn William Wil-liam Hump of tills city and Bert Dan-ford, Dan-ford, of Srhithtlcld. The bout Is to take place on the 24th but tho place is not determined at tho present time. It Is stated that $25Ta side is deposited deposit-ed with Hymun Dcwitt. The gate' rcclepts will be divided, 75 per cent to the winner and 25 per cent to the loser. Peaches can be grown in Cacho county, without a doubt, if proper localities arc selected for the planting. A selection raised by J. L. Peterson, of Smlthfield, was brought to Logan and they were Just as ilno to eat as a person could desire. Some of our horticulturist should tmn their at; tentlon to tills departure as there-arc many thousands of dollars paid out yearly for this luxury. Good cook wanted at the Sugar Factory Hotel. Found A pair of baby shoes. Inquire In-quire at Tithing otllcc. Lars Chrlstcnson, tho father of, "Sam.' tho base ball pitcher, wa8 in from Hyde Park on Monday. Mrs. John L. Fames, who recently came from Itcxburg, states that typhoid ty-phoid provalls in that locality. One or two have died recently from Its effects. ef-fects. Must be sold at once dining room chairs, step ladder, two dressers, one Estate heating oak stove, cook stove, writing table, wash stand, pictures and chromos. I Account visit of Grand Slrc,I. O. O. F., at Salt Lako, Sept. 15, tho O. S.L. will sell round trip tickets from Logan Lo-gan to Salt Lake Sept. 14, at single fare, good returning Sept. 11). Bishop Preston still remains at his farm in Benson waul. Friends vho have visited him state that lie lias a sevcie attack of Jaundli'e. Mrs. Preston Pres-ton remains with him, and when it Is considered safe he will be moved to Logan. Hissymptons are better flic past few das than They weic pilor to that time. The llyrum Co-op wants 5,000 bushels bush-els of llrst-class wheat and will pay the highest cash price in cash for same. The handsomo brick school house at Hyde Park is ncarlng completion. The building will contain four rooms, the seating capacity of the building being two hundred and fifty. Kloop-fer, Kloop-fer, of Providence, and Jacques, of Logan, have the contract for the brick work; Hancey Bros., of Hyde Park, will do the carpenter woik. The largest hotel at the World's Fair, which accommodates eight thousand people, Is using the celebrated celebrat-ed Estey Piano. Harris Music Co., Estey dealers. Henry Parkinson was over from Wellsvllle Saturday and came near cleaning out a bunch of democrats who referred to Mr. Howell's remarks as commented upon by Judge Powers before the lecent democratic convention. conven-tion. Henry knew there was some mistake and despite all assertions had faith in ills friend Howell. W. L. McNeil, of Star Valley, reached reach-ed Logan on Sunday with one hundred hun-dred head of tine fat cows for Lars Hansen, the cattle man that feeds the pulp at the Logan Sugar factory. Mr. McNeil states that the recent frosts have cut some of the oat crops', ' potatoes pota-toes and all the garden stuff In that valley. The funeral of Wllford Haws who recently died of typhoid, was hold in the Sixth ward on Saturday. The speakers were A. G. Barber, Bishop Cardon, Prcs. Morrell and II. A. Hansen. Han-sen. The services were very impressive impres-sive and ttie speakers touched tho tender feelings of the hearers; many were tho eyes tliat wero wet witli tears. The young man was sixteen years of age, exceptionally bright and his relatives, especially his parents, looked forward with pleasant anticipations antici-pations for the future of their beloved boy. The numeious friends of the family sincerely deploiethe loss which they have sustained, and trust that the remaining son who is stilcken with the same disease may fully recover. re-cover. Thomas Smith, tho candidate for sheriff on the republican ticket, Is possibly pos-sibly .is well known as any man resid-in resid-in the county. Ho settled in Logan with ills parents in 1800. From early manhood he has been recognized as one of the foremost horsemen in the and county lias invested more money In the purchase of good stallions than any other individual in this locality. We do not believe that we arc straining strain-ing a point at all, when wc say that more credit is duo Mr. Smith for the good reputation that Cacho valley lias for horses than any other man. He Is a typical western man and belpg raised rais-ed with the people they are acquainted acquaint-ed with him and know what kind of a man they may vote for. Among the notable attractions booked book-ed to appear at tho Thatcher opera house in tills city, during the coming season, is Mr. Chailcs B. Hanford In a superb revival of Don Caesar do Bazan. Mr. Hanford is do 'stranger to the theatre-goeis of this city and ills visit from year to year Is looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation. He represents a phase of dramatic art which h now at Its zenitli in popular esteem. An actor who has remained "good" for so long and before tho same people, as lias Mr. Hanford, secures a standing which cannot bo estimated lightly. Miss Marie Drof-nah Drof-nah will be Mr. Ilanford's leading lady and Mr. Frank Hcnnlng, the leading man. It Is promised that the production will bo an elaborate one, rich In scenic and electrical effects. |