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Show HAD PUT BUTTON TO USE. rVhy Youngster Could Not Product "Pursuit of Happiness." This story Is told of a Washington f.chool principal who was trying to make- clear to his class the fundamental fundamen-tal doctrines of tho declaration of Independence; In-dependence; "Now, boys," ho said, "I will give you each threo ordinary buttons. Hero they arc. You must think of tho first one as representing life, of the tecond ono as representing liberty, and the third one as representing tho pursuit of happiness. Next Sunday I will ask you each to produce tho threo buttons and tell me what they represent." repre-sent." The following Sunday, In accordance accord-ance with his plan, tho teacher Interrogated Inter-rogated his class on tho subject of the buttons. "Now, Johnnie," ho said to the youngest member, "produco your threo buttons and tell me what thoy stand for." Whereupon the youngster began to weep. "I nln't got 'cm oil," he sobbed, holding out two of the buttons. "Horo's llfo an' here's liberty, but mommor sewed the pursuit o' happiness happi-ness on my pants." Harper's Weekly, |