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Show T. Kearns. Now that Mr. T. Kcarns has biokcn out of polities, if tho republican party ever permits him to break in again It should be damned eternally. As this paper has said before, Mr. Kcarns as Senator has done the best Mr. Kearns and Mr. Kcarns's money could do, and that has been as much as many men might have done, but that Is not more than mnay men of greater capacity and less money could do. There are reuubllcans in this stato who can shine brilliantly before tho nation and no one of these should over bo sacrificed sacrific-ed again for Mr. Kcarns or any man llko him. That Mr. Kcarns, with no more real capacity than ho possesses, should have the ambition to become a member of the most Intellectual body of public servants on earth Is sufficient suffi-cient to condemn him and by becoming becom-ing a prime mover in a scheme to defeat de-feat the party under whose banner he has bcn honored to its own disci edit proves him too small of.'mlnd, body and soul to bo any longer recognized us a member of that party of Lincoln, Garfield, McKlnley and Roosevelt. Talk about principle! There's no mere principle In the stand of T. Kearns Esq., and tho Salt Lake Tilb-uno Tilb-uno than there is in that other Individual In-dividual who. accepts his llfo at the hands of a friend and then stabs him in the back. His stand Is that of vindlctiveness, disappointment which knows no reason in an Ignorant man I'and may"be goaded to frenzy by crafty --jMppMBBHHK partlzansyt Is the act of a man whoso mind is so poisoned and torn by the' barbed arrows of a bitter defeat which ho fondly believed money and crafty scheming could avert that'he has forgotten honor, forgotten principle, prin-ciple, forgotten all things except that rage demands a victim, and in his heart Mr. Kearns lias decided that that victim shall be the republican state ticket. With a hypocrisy that equals his rage and Ignorance Mr. Kearns aligns himself and permits his newspaper to becomo the mouthpiece against the republican state ticket under the i'lllse of lighting a damnable influence which Is said to exist and which It is! further said he was willing to accept as a friend four years ago, be that Influence In-fluence as bad as It may. He now seeks to betray that party which he has had tho honor of Ignobly misrepresenting misre-presenting in the great Senato body. Did Judas do more than this? Whatever principle there may be on the part of other members of the circle cir-cle agitating tho formation of this so-called so-called "American" party. Tom Kearns Is not In it for principle and the Tribune, at his command. Is not righting right-ing honestly. Hutgranting for tho sake of argument that Mr. Kearns, and tho Tribune, with the others, aic lighting for principle, Tiik Repuiili-can Repuiili-can sees nothing In this move but that which endangers ln a measure the success of threo republican electors, elect-ors, a republican congressman," the full list of stato oillccrs, and the turning turn-ing over of tho stato to the democratic demo-cratic party. Will the democrats support this new party move? Not on your tin-typo. Tho democrats have nominated the strongest ticket they could put up; for tho past, year they have been "getting together" and today they believe their chance to win Is so good that the most pronounced pronounc-ed "anti-church politics" man will scorn to offer tho new party a vote. Will honorable Mosis Thatcher support sup-port tho new party? Will those other democrats who have been loud in their talk of "church Inlluenco" support sup-port the now move? Of course they wont. Then why should republicans, whatever their opinion be, support this new move? With democracy 'inlted and this new party drawing from the republican party alone, what Is the Inevitable result a democratic victory. For the sake of supporting a principle which can have no indl-catlon indl-catlon at this election or for several more to come, can any republican afford to vote in suchta way that it will make democratic success a prob- BBBBBBBBBBflBBBi ability? Granting that this "church Infliicnco" Is as rampant as tho Tribune Trib-une says, arc you republicans under such a burden that you prefer democratic demo-cratic rule? You republicans In Cache, who as you say have been spat upon, snubbed, kicked, cuffed, suffered suffer-ed Insult and Ignominy for years at tho hands of the overwhelming democratic dem-ocratic majority here, now that you arc on top, will you laydown and let this process bo repeated? Wc do not believe you will, nor will republicans over the state generally. ( . |