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Show BUILDING FOOD To Bring the Babies Around. When a llttlo human machine (or r large ono) goes wrong, nothing la so Important as tho selection ot food which will always bring it around again. "My llttlo baby boy fifteen msnths old had pneumonia, then camo brain fever, and no sooner had ho got ovor theso than ho began to cut tooth and, " being so weak, ho wns frequently thrown Into convulsions," says a Col- K orado mother. m "I decided a change might help, so t toolc him to Kansas City for a vlslL m When wo got thero ho wns so very jfl weak when ho would cry ho would li sink away and scomod Uko ho would IK dlo. i "When I reached my sister's home a sho said Immediately that wo must m food him Qrapo-Nuts and, although I l had nover used tho food, wo got some M aLd for a fow days gnvo him Just the jjj Julco of Grapo-Nuts nnd milk, He la got stronger so quickly wo woro soon JM feeding him tho Grapo-Nuts Itself and Eg la a wonderfully short tlmo ho fat- B toned right up and becamo strone H and well. jft "That showed mo something worth t knowing and, when Inter on my girt M enmo, I raised her on Grapo-Nuts and M sho Is a strong healthy baby and hat M boon. You will seo from tho Httl photograph I send you what a strong, M chubby youngster tho boy Is now, but g ho didn't look anything Uko that bo- fl foro wo found this nourishing food. S Gtnpc-Ntits nourished him back to H strength when ho was so weak ho K cculdn't keop any other food on his I stomach." Namo glvon by Postum Co., Bnttlo Creek, Mich I All children can bo built to a more W sturdy and healthy condition upon Grapo-Nuts and cream. Tho food - 1M contains tlfo elemonts nature de-( mands, from which to mako the soft' gray filling In the norvo centers and train, A well ted brain and ntronr, sturdy nerves absolutely insure a hralthy body. Look In each pkg, for the famon little book, "iho noad to WclWlIle." a i s, Ji |