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Show The editor of this paper, N. Ralph Moore, desires to makepubllcacknow-ledgemcnt makepubllcacknow-ledgemcnt to Assessor Joseph J. Richardson, Rich-ardson, whose name Is not mentioned In our article In rofcrenco to the growth of Tiik Rki'uiimoax and those who "made Its existence possible." After the republican county convention conven-tion of 11)02, Mr. Richardson walked over to us and planked down 10 In gold, "just as a matter of encouragement." encourage-ment." We mention this because at that timo there was nothing that was needed moie, and durlngallourearller trials and, struggles Mr. Richardson was the only man who did that. It Is proper that-Mr. Richardson should have this mead of praise and we are happy to acknowledge the Indebtedness Indebted-ness which is now the party's indebtedness. |