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Show for Hats. BJ While a Donver woman wa3 attend- flB lng a theater pcrformnuco In Buffalo Bfl rTjinil"f 1 ' 'H f t 1 , n 'ii tiI 1 U BBBl Hffi ill I' I : 1 jrv JAr m tho hat pin with which sho had fast- iflVj oncd her hat on tho back of tho scat ! facing her gnvo way and her hat foil iM to tho floor. That cxperlenco hnd so ifl closely followed others that sho madu 111 a vow right then and there to Invent LBfl something to obviate tho common jjl nuisance. And she hns dono It, IKB It Is n folding hook that, when ilflB In use, Is on the 'order of a closet '11 hook, nnd can bo pushed back out Bfl of tho way when not required. It is fl in ml o of nickel, compact, mnall in , )BJ si.o, and ornamental to the chair or il placo to which It is attached. ffl |