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Show CASTRO REMAINS IN CHARGE. Withdraws Letter of Resignation of Presidency of Venezuela. President Cnstro's special message lo tho Venezuelan congress wns delivered deliv-ered Wednesday afternoon, in which ho says: "When I abdicated It was not fiom any small-minded nor Interested calculation, still less wns it tho result of any soiry or ridiculous farco which has no plnco In a hcait wanned by tho heat of great ideals." Ho then says ho believed his abdication abdica-tion was n duty Imposed upon him In the Interest of peace. "With my separation separ-ation todny.'i ho says, "nobody would lose and nil would gain, slnco this would imply that my effoits and my sncrillres wero always and under all clicumstnnccs at the service of tho republic re-public at Us first call." After pasting In roview tho other difficulties In tho way of the government, govern-ment, ho saw how his Intentions were misrepresented, nnd ho was disheartened disheart-ened and at that moment resigned. "Notwithstanding thoso reasons, which wero weighty tel my mind," ho continues, "congress does not ncccpt my resignation nnd Inslts that I should continue: that I should not persist per-sist therein, but considers me still useful use-ful In tho government. TfTow beforo its deslro nnd bow myself to the new obligations' Imposed' by my country, hut only until tho work of pacifying tho nation shall bo complete and order rc-estnbllshcd In tho public administration. adminis-tration. Uomember it well, senators nnd deputies. I bcllevo my separation necessary; you think otherwise. I hopo tho futuro will prove you right. Accept an expression of my supremo thanks for tho generous demonstration of which j on hnve nindo mo the object." ob-ject." When It wns known he hnd not resigned a popular demonstration took plnco. |