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Show WOMAN IN NEW ROLE ft Puns Elevator in New York's Most Fashionable Hotel-Sin Has Charge of the Mcst Perfectly Appointed "Lift" in the World. I X'ftwrr?3k "MAN elevator conduc- HL-frraB tur! Sne s ih roost VDnrafi talked of feature of the VVVJ Waldorf-Astoria, Now akJBkK York's most gorgeous 2S& hotel. She Is a sugges-WBl sugges-WBl tlon of the twentieth, century. Mary Yorke Is her name, and Mary now enjoys tho distinction of being tho only woman In tha world who runs nn elovator. This beautiful little lift is all white and gold, and mirrors are fitted up In such fetching stylo that one regrets when one gets Into It that this attractive attrac-tive box does not run ten stories Instead In-stead of one. Yes, this new elevator In tho big "hostelry on Fifth avenue, Thirty-third nnd Thirty-fourth streets, Is unquestionably unques-tionably the very daintiest and most perfectly appointed lift er built, and ho girl who runs It Is quite In keeping -with her surrounding!. Mary Yorke is pretty, petite and always charming , and respectful. Sho wears a white frock nnd snowy apron, with a cute little whlto cap setting Jauntily on hei raven hair. So Mary and her elovator elova-tor ore in as perfect keeping as are V nearly all tho other accessories In the "Waldorf-Astoria. Tho now elevator is exclusively for -woman. That Is why It Is so perfectly perfect-ly appointed, and that is why a woman wom-an conducts it. The elovator all white and gold runs from tho main floor to tho mezzanine floor, above, where It opens Into a room as white ns snow and as light as day, with great plato glass mirrors from floor to celling. This Is a woman's wom-an's dressing room, and no fairy princess prin-cess could have a moro lovely placo In which to make her toilet. Every accessory to tho feminine toilet known In modern art is to bo found In this room. There aro wall and hand mirrors, mir-rors, dainty whlto dressing tables supplied sup-plied with brushes, combs, manicure sets, powder, rouge, perfumes and what not. Thero are great white washstandB cut out of solid blockB of marble, big enough almost for a full bath and supplied with tho most cost-Jy cost-Jy of soaps, nnll brushes, linger towels and lotions for chapped hands. Opening out of this twentieth century cen-tury dressing room is a luxurious resting rest-ing room for women, furnished with comfort nblo lounging chairs, divans "' Main Entrance to Hotel, and writing desks, with neat maids in attendance who take charge of women's wom-en's wraps nnd parcels, and for their general comfort. Here, when a woman comes In from tho tlresomo round of shopping, calling call-ing or of other duties, she can find tho absolute quiet and rest so much needed, and after which sho can mako n toilet which will mako her look as fresh as a new blown rose. Mr. Ullllnrd, general manager of tho "Waldorf-Astoria, In speaking of this now Jlttlo whito realm, fitted up for .women, said: "It as tho ono feature -wo sadly needed here. When tho hotel ho-tel was built wo were qulto a dlsfnnco from tho shopping districts, nnd wo did not hnvo so very ninny coming In to luncheons and afternoon teas, nut for tho past year or two so many shops have been established In this neighborhood neigh-borhood thnt wo aro practlcnlly in tho chopping center, nnd every day moro and moro women coming in from mi-'burlmn mi-'burlmn homes ns well as thoso living way uptown mako this hotel their headquarters, so that rcnlly wo felt jjP that wo must do something to make """T -our women patronB moro comfortable, f lionco thosb rooms wore built and flttod up, and now we wonder how tho women over got on without thorn. "Of course, tho ono problem which confronted us wns tho running of the Main Dining Room, elevator leading to theso rooms. It did not eem nt all the thing to put a man it this Job. So wo decided to put ono of tho housemaids on. It required re-quired a girl with a steady head and one who had somo knowledgo of mu-cbaulcal mu-cbaulcal construction. These requlrc-,meuts requlrc-,meuts were found In Mnry Yorke and !ho certainly runs that elevator Just ""S as well as a man could." Tbw Isn't another elevator conductor conduc-tor In New York who gets as much pay as the pretty girl who directs the car of white and gold, and If 'jho doesn't get tips, then the other girls In tho big hotel are greatly mistaken SInco she started upon her now duties all tho other girls In th? house have become ambitious to run clovators, and there's no telling where the Innovation will lead. Of course, with tho Introduction Intro-duction by the Waldorf-Astoria, the new St. Itegls, tho Knickerbocker and the Now Brunswick will have to havo their clovators even moro corgeou than that of the Waldorf-Astoria, and within a few years It Is likely the great The Grand Stairway, hotels In all parts of the country will have girls who act tho part of Mary Yorke. Mr. Hllllard says the car of whlto and gold and Its attendant equipment coat moro thnn $10,000. That's a lot of money to spend for an elevator that only runs one story, but money is never considered when there's a question ques-tion of adding to the attractiveness of n great hotel. The Waldorf-Astoria Is ono of tho It-adlng Bhow places of tho city, has moro than a thousand visitors a day visitors who go thero 'simply to sec what (ho hotel Is like, to oxploro the kitchen, the palm room, the parlors, tho dining rooms, tho galleries gal-leries and every nook and cranny of tho lmmcnso establishment. To theso thousands tho car of whlto and gold and tho elevator girl will be something some-thing they never will bo satisfied without seeing, and the name and famo of Mnry Yorke will bo carried far and wido. |