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Show ANOTHER BAD BREAK. ' The appointment of Mr. Andrew Ellason to supervise the work now being done on Logan river, (mention of which is made In another column) is another one of those fierce breaks that Republican oillcials seem to have gotten in the habit of making recently. recent-ly. There is nothing to be said derogatory derog-atory to the qualifications of Mr. Ellason but why in the name of all that Is great and holy should this Democrat be appointed, when there are many republicans fully as competent compe-tent who would have accepted tlio position and filled it creditably? If tho complexion of the council was reversed that is, the body composed of a Democratic Dem-ocratic majority and a Republican minority, could the Republicans have expected and would they have received receiv-ed any such recognition as has recently recent-ly been shown the Democrats. Not by a Jug-full, and therein lies the strengtli of that party today. We do not know all the details connected con-nected witli this appointment, but in a general way, we want it emphatically emphatical-ly understood that Tub RuruiiLicAN does not endorse, such appointments. We stand firmly and strictly upon tho ground that the spoils belong to the victor. The turning clown of fellow Republicans Re-publicans who worked hard and long to elect the present oillcials, and giving giv-ing the preference in appointments to those who fought them, seems something some-thing like ingratitude to say the least, and no party, be it Democrat, Republican, Socialist or otherwise, can hope to prevail for any length of time when it pursues a policy of this kind. The members of tho city council may well remember that that body already al-ready has a heavy load to carry, and that it is not well to lay on more weight. |