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Show WHITAKER WRIGHT ARRESTED BY NEW YORK DETECTIVES Y Whltnker Wright, promoter of the London and Globe Finance Corporation, Corpora-tion, limited, tho falluro of which two years ago, brought ruin to thousand thou-sand of persons In Great Britain, who aro believed to havo lost at least $1,00,000,000 directly and Indirectly Indi-rectly In tho crash of other companies compan-ies which went down in tho wreck, and Mho Is wanted by tho London police on a charge of having falsified tho accounts of the company, was arrested at Now York, March 1G, upon tho arrival of tho French liner La Lorraine. Ho wns first taken to tho Tombs pollco court, nnd later placed In tho custody of tho federal authorities. After being arraigned beforo United States Commissioner Alexander ho was committed to the Ludlow street Jail without bnll. |