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Show THE CORRALS. If there was evet an infernal outrage out-rage perpetrated upon tho public of this vicinity, It is tho corral nuisance that has ever existed and still exists In Logan City, and why it Is that some definite and decided action has not been taken to lave these discaso breeders removed or kept In a sanitary condition is a mystery. Do the peoplo of this vicinity enjoy this eau-do cologne co-logne that Is a stench in nostrils of hell Itself? Have their olfactry nerves become so accustomed to the sickening sicken-ing odors tlmt lloat over the city that their attention Is no longer drawn to them? Ho the cltUcns have such faith In tho purifying qualities of their mountain air that they believe health can bo retained oven though they dally dal-ly drink of tho seepage and drainage fiom a large number of theso foul-smcl-llng, Illy-kept, stamping grounds? Physicians have said to us at different timer that these corrals are tho greatest great-est source of disease in this country, and they have made every effort to secure se-cure an abatement of the nuisance, without avail. In many Instances the corral lots, containing untold quantities quanti-ties of olfal and urine are drained toward to-ward tho water ditches, and it Is a well known fact that many families use the water from theso ditches for cooking cook-ing and d -Inking purposes. Not only that, but very frequently children as they play, drink this water at any time and any place rather than go home after a drink. Tho cause of cases of typhoid arc frequently traced to this very condition of things, and niimcrousothcr diseases prevalent in Logan may also bo traced to the corrals. cor-rals. It is said that there are scvoral of them along the big ditch that arc drained toward It. This condition of affairs Is a disgrace to tho city and should not exist any longer than it will necessarily take to remedy It. Wo would prefer to believe that If the matter Is brought to tho attention of corral owners in tho proper way they themselves will attend to the matter promptly and properly; If not, then attend to It for them. |