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Show FIGHTING FILIPINOS. Macabcbe Scouts Defeat San Miguel's Forces In Ftlzal Province. Two companies of Macabcbe scouts slgnnlly defeated tho main body of Sail Miguel's forces Friday. It Is believed Snn Mlguol was killed. Lieutenant Itccso wns seriously wounded. Tho scouts lost three, men killed and had eleven men wounded. Tho enemy occupied nn entrenched position mldwny between Mnrlnqiilna, Snn Krnnclsco nnd Del Montonnd had erected a stone fort, which was garrisoned garri-soned by 200 men. Tho first nnd fourth companies of Maenbebes, commanded by Lieutenants Iteeso nnd Nlckerson, respectively, nttacked tho enemy's position, po-sition, but ns tho scouts wore exposed to tho flro of tho enemy In n manner which placed tho Mncabobes at a ills-nilvn,,tn'-o iii """tenants decided after nn hour's fighting to surround tho pcsuiun and thnrgo, nftor lmvlnc divided their conipnnlcs. The two officers of-ficers then led a gallant and successful success-ful charge, during which Lieutenant Hocho fell seriously wounded. Tho oncmy then bioko nnd ran, leaving forty fix men dead on tho field, Including In-cluding n general officer, who Is believed be-lieved to bo San Mlguol, though his identity Is Incomplete. |