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Show Animals and Poisonc. Certain substances which nro deadly dead-ly in their ofl'ccta upon men cau ho taken by tho bnito creation with Impunity. Im-punity. Horses can take largo dosos of nntlmony, dogs or mercury, goats of tobacco, mlco of homlock and rnb-bits rnb-bits of belladonna, without Injury. On tho other hand, dogs nnd cats nro much moro susccptlhlo to tho Influence Influ-ence of chloroform than mnn, nnd nro much sooner killed by It. If this In-valuablo In-valuablo anaesthetic had been first tried upon animals wo should probably prob-ably havo never enjoyed Its blessings, ns it would havo been found to bo so' fatal that Its discoverers would havo been afraid to test Its effects upon human beings. It Is ovldont, then, that an oxporlmcnt upon an nnlmal can never he tho means of any certain cer-tain deductions so fnr ns man Is con-c'ned. con-c'ned. Family Doctor, MfTrrr-yr;;r.'"'l?T'r?r, rr,Trrt.,,'i"-gfcttyuafrwaMac..i |