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Show Wanted Some Data. I've rwxd nbout tho bootblack who Became a millionaire. And ever after held hla head High In the startled air; But. oh! I have not heard of him With millions on the lose. Who gradually KOt to bo A peach at shining shoes! I've read about tho ofilco boy Who rose to be a king. And mndo the Wall street bulls and bears To suit hla fancies swine; But who has yet Immortalized, In tones of lyrlo Joy, The man who started at tho top And quit an office boy? I've seen In magazines and such That John Smith, good and plain, Content with beer In early youth. Now bathes In old champagne; But. sayl perhaps you know somo chap Who started out on wine. And now Is mighty glad to get Plain beer at flvo a stelnl 'Tls so through life; we hear about The clothes, tho shoes, tho hat. Of him who put his ante up Until he drew a pat; But what about the man who plunged And took It as It came, Until he played his last white chip And drew out of the gume? |