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Show GRIFFIN BROS. Machinists, Blacksmiths, and Wheel- H wrlghts. Carriage work a Specialty. jH One block Soutn of Thatcher's Bank H Main Street, Logan. H Sayn Wlfo Was Ungrateful. H Abraham D'Zoti, a Brooklyn photog- H raphor, has been sued for divorce by H his wlfo. In his answer to tho com-. H plaint D'Zon sets forth that ho spent H $5,000 to glvo his wife a medical odu- H cation and securo her admission to, H practice and that no soonor had sho H becomo a full-fledged M. D. than sho H turnod upon her husband and Books H separation because his calling Is too humblo to suit her aristocratic Ideas. H In Honor of John Ericsson. H Tho Swedes of New York city and H of tho cities along the Jersoy shore aro planning a monster dornonstra- Hon on July 31 In celebration of tho H ono hundredth anniversary of John H Ericsson's birth and tho tenth annl- H vorsary of tho raising of his statuo H In flattery park. Tho day Is always H obscrvod by tho 'Swedes, but this year tho celebration will bo of unusual To Settle Point of Interest. Tho Now England HIstorlcal-Gcnea- logical Society has appointed a com- H mlttce to ascertain It posslblo, the H exart placo of rendezvous of tho Dos- H ton tea party when It assembled, Deo. 1C, 1773, preliminary to throwing the tea Into Doston harbor. Tho stories H of tho placo handed down by trad I- H tlon havo been conflicting, and many H of tho members of tho society think H tho effort will bo In vain. fl Gas as H Recently Mr. II. A. Humphroy do- Hvcred a lecture beforo tho London H Chamber of Commcrco, says tho Elco lH trlcal Review, In which ho stated that H by using the cheaper form of gas, H known us "producer" gas, at least yH ono-halt of tho total consumption of 'H coal would bo saved, this result bo- H Ing duo to tho greater efficiency of Jf gas over coal as a fuel. H Child Labor In New York. iH From facts gathered In tho last six iB months tbn romarkablo condition U rovoalod of the oxlbteoco of mora JH child labor In Now York city than In 1 all the states of tho south combine H ., .. " "ImI |