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Show Thought He Was Again In Durance. Copt. Cosgrovo, who was recently retired from tho flro department, tolls this story of "Grand Central Pete," ono of the noted criminals of Now York. Having been relcasod from prison, friends of "Pote," who had spent a portion of his llfo In such Institutions, In-stitutions, welcomed him at tho railway rail-way station and proceeded to cole-brato cole-brato the occasion. "Pete," not having hav-ing had any liquor during his term, was soon affected by what ho drank, and, after a time, his companions bad to tako him to a hotel and put him to bod. In tho courso of tho night 'Pete" becamo restless and tumbled out of bed, and rolling around on the floor finally got under tho bed. When ho awoko It was broad daylight. Glancing up, ho saw tho slats of tho bed, and to his sleepy eyes they romlnded him of something familiar. "Hollo, I'm back again!" ho ox-claimed. ox-claimed. "Geo, this Is sudden!" Now York Tlmos. |