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Show Wonderful Hospital Work. Somo remarkable figures havo just been given out by tho secretary of tho London hospital to convoy an idea of tho Immenso work dono by that institution. insti-tution. It Is stated that last yoar T.500,000 pills wero takon by pcoplo who camo to tho hospital for treatment, treat-ment, and that over throo tons of cough lozongos woro used by them. In dressing lnjurlos, ninety-two mllos of lint, 47C mllos of bandages, six tons of cotton wool and nine mllos of plaster plas-ter wero used. Every day half a ton ot Ice anil 400 syphons of soda water wcro mado way with. Tho eggs consumed, con-sumed, If placed ond to end, would form n chain six and ono-half mllos long. Tho year's milk bill was over $15,000, and tho meat bill over $25,-000 $25,-000 Tho hospital goos so far as to estlmato that If last year's patients could bo stood sldo by sldo thoy would mako a lino sixty-six and a halt mllos long. |