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Show MORGAN WAS USED AS FOIL. Humbert Swindlers Employed the Financier's" Name In Their Operations. Op-erations. Ono day Mmo. Humbert hod need of G00.00O francs ($100,000). Sho had the idea of addressing herself to M. X and wished to Inspire him with confidence. Sho said to hlni, to quoto approximately: "It Is an excellent ex-cellent affair. Do you want a proof? Plerpont Morgan is In tho deal. Conio on Monday and tako breakfast with us at Vlvcs Eaux. Plerpont Morgan will be with us. lit Ing with you your check book, for It Is evldont that tho king of trusts Is not an Improvident Improvi-dent or trilling man." M. X trusted hor. On Monday, therefore, ho took a train and arrived ar-rived at Melun. On tho platform of tho station ho saw Mmc. Humbert, who, waving her handkerchief gracefully, grace-fully, was saying good-by to a Paris train which had Just left. "I am very rrfucli disappointed, my dear sir," sho satd. "M. Morgan has Just left, having been called to Paris by a dispatch. I was saying good-by good-by to him." M. X was a Ilttlo vexed. "But come, nevertheless," sho continued, con-tinued, "Ilreakfast with us at the chateau. If you want to postpone the affair wo will put It off till another time. I will tako you to Vlvcs Eaux." M. X was led Into a beautiful room tho room which our friend Plerpont Morgan had Just loft to wash his hands and adJiiBt his cravat. Wlillo ho was busying himself with theso operations ho saw, carelessly left on tho mantelpiece, a telegram (a talso telegram) addressed to "M. Morgan, Vlves Eaux," and, In fact, calling him to Paris. His credulity was conquered. How could ho doubt a business woman who held confabs with the king of trusts7" M. X without haggling gavo his check, and to-day he regretB It. Paris Figaro. . |