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Show The Star I Grocery! at tho White Houso 34 CENTER ST. Telephone 41 Y, carries a full line of Green and Staple Groceries, Teas, Coffees and Spices, Stationery, Rooks, and Periodicals. Periodi-cals. Fresh Creamery Rutter and Eggs always on hand. Call and sec ns, you will be accorded good treatment S.LU0P THATCHER PROPRIETORS. A Beads, Beads! A beautiful strand of beads either tight around the neck or hanging loose from the neck is the style of the day for the fair sex. Look at our window for newest and pretttiest beads JohnsonJewelryCo MAIN STREET, LOGAN. Their Sign The Eye on the Door. THE Old FAMILY CLOCK AND WATCHES merits your solicitude. Its memories appeal to you. Its tick, so familiar to some who are now gone, Is a bond between the present and the past. If It Is silent, or out of repair, send for us. Wo will make it Itself again. Our charges arc always for the work we do only. G. M. WENDELBOE. A LARGE STOCK OF Hardy Fruit & Shade Trees also Plants, Seeds and 'Flowers, at the Logan Nurseries Correspondence lecelvcs prompt attention. . $3 50 Royal Blue Shoe IS THE SOLE OK HONOR. For sale by James Quayle & Co ' Book of MornW) -and rr Doctrine & Covenants Price cut In half at Wilkinson's Book Store. I The New History of the Church. Cloth $1.50 Half Calf, gilt top 2.50 Half Morocco, gilt top. .25.0 Full Morocco, full gilt. .4.00 ' Over 2,500 sold slnco Conference. All Church Works In Stock. I V J It Will Pay You To compare our prices before buy. Ing your garden and Held tools. "We have a large stock, we sell for cash only and arc making exceptionally ex-ceptionally low prices: .Steel shovels shov-els from 05c, manure forks from 45c,. hoes and rakes from 25., grub hoes and picks from 50c. Wo have all sizes in carriage, machine and stove bolts, lag screws, stjijis, wire netting, rope, chains, horse shoes, nails, hinges, wagon hard. ti'nn.l irwl Utttrxrra ftniioini it.nn.l wouti unu uLungs, umvure, woou-ware, woou-ware, granlteware, cutlery, brooms brushes, lamps, etc. R, LAFOUNT & CO. Center Street, - Logan. SAM GLASER, Dealer in Fino Liquors and Cigars. Rottle and Jug trade a specialty. Oar Lewis J 566 Whiskey. Try It! 30 t24. JOHN THOMAS MERCHANT TAILOR. Tho leading tailor of the county. Call and be convinced. W'.W. MAUGHAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Olllcc in County Court House; southeast south-east room up-stairs. Telephone 18y. LOOK AND READ Fausi 480 Acres of good land. 220 in fall wheat. 340 acres broke. CO acres ready to be put in this spring. Implements Imple-ments to go with, 1 gang plow, 1 sulky plow, 1 Header and boxes, 1 drill etc. For sale on easy terms. Fahm KiO Acres, 120 acres broke, 40 acres in fall wheat, all fenced. Implements Imple-ments to L'O with. 1 snlkv nlnw. 1 linnd ...vi, i.w bv iTitu, lauiivi Juw, X Ilium plow, 1 Iron harrow. For sale cheap. Faum 10 Acres good land only 3 miles from Logan, most of it good farming land. Good water right. Good terms. Faum Ten acres ffrst-class land only li miles from Logan, full water right. Good beet land. Plenty of Cityand Farm property for salo cheap H. A. PEDERS0N & CO. Eagle Cafe 120 NORTn MAIN ST. Dinner from 12 to 3 p. m 25 cents J Fish, New York Count Oys- H ters served any style. IW After theater parties take sufm BP at tho Eagle Cafe. Eagle Hotel (fat. W . Thomas & Gallacher 1 W. H. HURST AT KIESEL HOTEL, Dealer in Fino Liquors and Cigars. Special attention given to country trade. Give us a call. 30t24. |