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Show WHOSE OX IS CORED? The candidacy of II. Bullcn, Jr., for State Senator seems to hurt the Journal, Jour-nal, and the fact that he is connected with a leading educational institution seems to add fuel to the flames, judging judg-ing from the expressions made in their editorial columns. The Journal is, and has always been, built on that plan in which It all depends on whose ox is gored. A few years ago wltcn the President of the Institution in which Mr. Bullcn is now laboring ran on a Democratic State ticket, and a prominent prom-inent member of the faculty of that same (institution ran for a county of-,llce, of-,llce, iboth being elected and both per-lorming per-lorming the duties of their political otllccs and retaining their positions in the.educational institution, it was a wwoct .morsel for the consistent (?) Journal. Should wc at this time say tliata principal of one of our Central schools is a .Democratic precint ciialr-nuua, ciialr-nuua, and .that a prominent teacher in that same .school holds a like position, and suggest ithat this "may be their undoing," fur .our public schools "cannot "can-not afford sue!) busy political partisans," parti-sans," the Journal would fly into a rage, and cry Injustice In angry tones. "Consistency thau art a jewel!" |