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Show H Wellsville. M J ! WKLLSVILLE, June, 11, lUOO-On ' Friday a number of business men 1 went to Ogden and met with tho Commercial men In their celebration. B Among them was Peter M. Maughan, B the outside rustler for the Co-op, one ' or the bast paying Institutions In IIH ' Northern Utah. It Is very doubtful iiH' If there Is a commercial traveler that iiH docs more, business than he, as ho iiH deals in all kinds of produce and lire iiH' ! stock and Is known as a thorough re- iiH i liable business man and is very sue- H ' cessful in all his business affairs. He iiH docs business from Franklin In tho iiH north to Sanpcto county In the south, iiH and is well known as u business man H In tho States of Idaho, Montana and iiH Wyoming. We have many others who iiH arc ilrst-class business men. Honor- iiH able mention may bo made of E. 11. H Owen, Supt. of the Farmers' Union iiH store, llcsldcs being blsliop of this iiB ward he also taucs tho lead In business iiH affairs of out; city. He Is also one of PPpi tho leading educators of Cache county. H Your correspondent saw his nolgh- iiH bor, Robert Hendry, moving around iiH in double quick time, taking big steps iiH and acting llko a horse with the spring iiH halt. When asked what was tho mat- iiH tcr, ho said, "comu over and have iiH something. It's another big baby .boy.' IIH ' All doing tine. While this was going iiH J v on another neighbor, Frank O CJun- iiH ; ncll, was made happy by his wlfo pre- iiH i scntlng him with a baby boy. Mother H and babe doing line. On the 0th, D. H ty L. Kerr and wife was made happy by 1 ( tho stork paying them a visit and iiH H leaving them a beautiful baby girl. PPPJ ft All concerned doing splendid. 9 James Greer, who was onco a resl- H I dent of this city, but for many years H I living at Five Points, near Ogdcn.dlcd IIH J on tho 7lh and his remains were iiH ) brouglit hero for burial. Funeral took I place yesterday in the meeting house H and his body was Interred in tho cem- B ctery. William Olbbs. of the Maliwl iiH Stako presidency, lllshop Glbbs, of iiH Portage, Heber Parker and Thomas H Lelshman, of Wellsville, and James H A. Lelshman, of Logan, spoke words H of pralso of tho deceased, testifying iiB that ho was an honest and Industrious PJH man and a faithful Latter-day Saint. H On tho (1th, John II. Stuart, of this H city, and Jennie Mcllridc, of llyrum; IIH George O. Gunnel), of Wellsville, and IIH Hattlo Raster, of Mt. Sterling, were IIH married in the Logan temp I o. In tho H evening grand wedding receptions were IIH given at the Stuart and Baxter homes. IIH A number of people from llyrum at- IIH , tended the reception of tho formor IIH I couple. I |