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Show H I THE GRADUATE. H H Vrittcn by James S. Hancey and read by hini B I1 at Hyde Park Commencement. H rfay! kind friends what Is this row H With nil these folks around hero now? ' H What makes the people act so queer, H What's all these children doing hcrcV The knowlrig ones are looking wise, H i And others show a glad surprise; H Now tell me what It's all about H Why has this crowd thus all turned out? Oh! now I think I have It straight, H J The) 'vc come to sec a graduate. Sayl whut's a graduate any how, H Is It anything llko a plow? H Or, Is It something good to cat, H Or, do yon wear it on your feet? i It must bo something rather funny, llccausc It cost us lots of money, To buy It books, pens and paper, jj So It can cut tlio proper caper. 1 Ohl now I'll bet a bran new slato H That 1 know what Is a graduate. It's a boy wltti his hair split down the middle 1, ' Or a girl, dressed In well that's a riddle, Well, any how they're- dressed quite chipper, W I And each ono holding a great big paper, i Which shows that they have been to school V ' And havo Just got oil the dunce's stool. ' And thcy'rn educated now enough 1 To show that thcy'ro the proper stulT, ' To get more knowlcdgo In their pates H And that's what they call graduates. ! Some strivu to get an education, While others seek for recreation; ! And there they put most of their tlmo In, , ! At playing ball upon the diamond, And then they think they know It all When they've learned how to play football, ! And basket to, 'tis then they show, That ball Is Just about all they know; And they but poorly Imitate, ! Or represent, a graduate. A true graduate, you will llnd, Is strong In body and In mind; j Ono who can play and work well too, Mnko sunshine here for inc nnd you. One who without exaggeration H Makes wise use of their education, H And with all their might and main, H Prove that they've not been to school In vain, H Advancing on whate'er their fates, H Just like our Ilydo Park graduates. H , They didn't use to mako a fuss, H And get up a shindy over us, Because wo learned to read and write, H And get our rlthmctlc about right. H They didn't give us praises then, jSMfl And papers signed by college men; jVMfl Tho only marks we got In school, H Vas a mar) 0r two from teacher's rule. jWAfl Perhaps that may Irtivo been our fate, . Because wo didn't graduate TAV Hut you live In a better time, B And ought the older ones outshlno Wfl j If you can't outstrip your parents holler, jWAwj t Why you aint worth a single dollar. Wo didn't haye the chance that you H Have had to show what we could do. H And you'll llnd In succeeding years, H There's others that will be your peers. fl Hut wo are proud at any rate, Beaausc our children graduate. 1 Tfl t And now that you havo done so well, I Have learned to read, write and spell; j L Know some history, grammar to, Wfl I And have shown iis what you can do, Tfl I You all have now a splendid chance, Vfl J To go to college and there advance; Vfl . And when you've reached a higher station, I Your fame has spread thru state and nation, I 'Twill bo said of you, In future dates, , r1' God bless our Hyde Park graduates. , Jamks S. Hanckv. ' I 'j S S I H . U Relatively Speaking. "It Is a shamo and a disgrace the way that things aro wasted and mismanaged mis-managed on tho Panama canal." "Are you any relation to tho Mr. Dlngleton who was summarily dismissed dis-missed from the employ of tho canal commission!" "Yes; he's my brother." nd Plain Dealer. OUR FACTORY AND S i OCK WERE SAVED. 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