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Show MONEY FOREVER Eliminates Painting. Full 10-year factory guarantee. Chemist received Navy Award for developing this phenomenal decorative decor-ative waterproofing coating. Costs no more than orthodox paint. Applied by special gun under tremendous pressure. Forms a beautiful (any) color textured coating 20 times thicker than paint. For any surface: Concrete, stucco, concrete block, wood, inetal, esbestos siding. ASTM test rote 78.8 Insulation. Clean with garden hose Moisture resistant, absorbs sound, will not chip-flake-peel, fire retardant, mildew resistant, resist-ant, reduces fuel consumption. For old and new residences and commercial structures. Sales kit includes colored sound motion picture. Gov't, and lar- croat firm hav BnofHflwl fnr mflnv vmn Rnn'fHiKfi.i Ijfllf-m for 17 years. Can "bo purchased for notnlng down, 7 years to pay. No Dealer recourse. Exclusive County Distributorship now available. Factory training. $2500 minimum investment secured se-cured by inventory. Write or phone GUN-TEX now if Interested in a proven money maker for the rest of your life. Area 702, 382-3251, P. O. Bex 5021, Las Vegas, Nevada. i i i vo Your taster Sewing "RENT A SINGER" Zig Zag Touch & Sew free Delivery and Pick Up I Phone 586-6461 Adv. A-l. Income Tax Service CALL 6-884S Roger Halladay. Lamar Madsen Derald Nkelson 800 W., Apt No. 13 State & Federal $3 & up Myf'Ljfa 15 pd. ""fclASONARY WORK"!,."! For Stone, Block, Brick masonary work call Carl G. Thurber, Paro-wan, Paro-wan, 477-3487. ., Adv. A-l, 8, 15, 22. . TRENCHING For economical trenching contact V " SAM GENTRY r4" 586-8685" Adv. A-l 0-28,1965. Cooks, dish washers, waitresses and hostesses desiring to work at new Sugarioef Cafe in Cedar City Ci-ty may apply by calling Bruce Atkln at 586-6905, or by coming to 148 South 200 East, Cedar City. Adv. A-l. ,:- i'.'-r- HI-FI Record Player, Tabel Model, Mahogany Cabinet, Good Condition, 525.00. 586-6898 after 5 p.m. Adv. A-l. Pd. CEDAR POSTS For Sale at BILL'S SALVAGE YARD Cedar City, Utah Adv. A-l, 8, 15. I ATTENTION! ! $ ' i All Volkswagen 5 Owners: I $ , I $ Dix Tire Service $ now offers you ij Recapping Service For ALL Sizes of VW's $ One trailer space is available for a 10 x 50 ft. or smaller trailer. trail-er. Day's Trailer Park. Adv. M-ll, tf. FOR SALE 1 Three-bedroom brick home, fully carpeted and draped. A rumpus room done in knotty-pine knotty-pine with fireplace. Landscaped and fenced. XJarage. See at 106 No. 1150 West or call 586-8634 for appointment. Adv. A-l. Jt$ WANTED 2 or 3 year old Colts to break for riding.-Please contact Dennis Woodard,' Cedar City, phono 586-9664. 586-9664. 224 South 700 West Adv. A-l, 8,-15, 22. .;.. Are You Safe When You Lock Your DoorT -V Call OSBORNE'S . MQBtUj: LOCK SHOP 144 East Center Street Adv. M-25, A-l, 8, pd. "V GOT THE BUILDING BUG? I have four .excellent building lots in one, qf, Cedar City's most convenient subdivisions. Reasonable Reason-able prices In restricted building area. Contact Warren Cox, telephone tele-phone 586-8230. Adv. Al, o. r t FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home, carpets, drapes, new oil furnace. ( Excellent location. See at 29 North 200 East, Cedar City, Utah, or call 586-6743 for appointment Adv. A-l, 8, 15. Pd. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I SUCCESS GUARANTEED FULL BUY BACK CONTRACT. We pay half the cost. 42 year old Calif. Firm perfects a chemical triumph. Nylonlzed coating that Beautifies Protects - Preserves. Tremendous demand by home owners, commercial, industrial, farms. Wax no more on asphalt tile, linoleum, vinyl asbestos, furniture, hardwood, terrazo. Eliminates Eli-minates painting on concerte, wood, metal, siding, boats. Tough Clear gloss or colors. Non-skid. Do it yourself with brush, spray, roller. Dries in 30 minutes. Some of Mfgr. clients: Standard Oil, General Motors, Westlnghouse. Dealer and Distributor areas open. op-en. $595 to $15,000. Secured by inventory. No franchise fee. If you have the ability and confidence confi-dence in yourself, phone or write NOW! NYLONITE, Area 702, 384-7247, 384-7247, P. O. Box 5152, Las Vegas, Nevada. Adv. A-l, 8, 15, 22. V 1 : y ... . . , For Your Town . . i YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ' Your local newspaper strives to represent every facet ol . , 'r I A K A ' V the community. It promotes business by advertising pro- , J lV, AJ ?' ducts and services; it supports churches, schools, and civic clubs by publishing Information concerning their q SOLID UNITING FORCE! tivities; it recognizes individual members of the community as interesting events occur in their lives; and it spreads local news, and national news in local terms. By help- . ing different factions of the community to learn jabout each JWL cr . other, your local newspaper promotes undereuftiding and S jjjg1 Vw-B cooperation for the good of the entire area. i jfff 7r7( Wf JilHftttJriLtt V-TV. VW 1 P r.-J ;v'1 I'l I". ''T'r .i'w'r ''hryU ZTThTAlKk CANDY To'bascO yn HELP YOUR TOWN GROW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER! Utah, PRESS ASSOCIATION 1 ",,f " CLASSIFIED FOR SALE: 2 year old, 3 bedroom bed-room home. 1950 sq. ft. Split level. Large carport. Storage shed, carpet car-pet and drapes. Fireplace, bath I and a half. See at 243 North Highland Drive, call 586-6CG2. j Adv. M-18, 25, A-l. I FOR SALE: Nice 3 bedroom home, drapes and carpet, double car garage, fully landscaped with 1 sprinkling system, completely i fenced. Pay Equity and take over G. I. Loan Payments. Call 586-9521. 586-9521. Adv. A-l, tf. CARPETS a fright; Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Hunter Hardware and AppUanc Adv. A-l. FOR SALE: Building lot, ideal location, Kayenta Circle. 70 x 100 deep. Contact Orwln Green, Phone 586-6357. Adv. F-ll. Tf. FOR SALE: beautifuly constructed con-structed 3-bedroom home, has fireplace, 14 baths, lots of closet and cabinet space with built-in oven and range, carpeted and draped. Has basement with bedroom finished, double carport, all landscaped and fenced. Choice southwest location. Contast Mar-ius Mar-ius Cloward at D. W. Corry Real Estate Company, 5&-6162 or 586-6420 586-6420 after 5 p. m. Adv. A-l. Must Sacrifice. Take over pay-, pay-, ments on 1964 Dodge Dart, 6 : cylinder, two-door. Call 586-4020. I Adv. A-l, 8. Singing Classes for Prs-Schocl Children will begin Monday, Apr. 5th. Those wishing to registei should contact Mrs. Royce Chamberlain Cham-berlain by calling 586-6956. Class ' lasts 6 weeks. Registration fee, i'ss-oo. ; Adv. M-25, A-l. pd. Send for free electrical and plumbing supply catalog. Whole sale to you. Pay 'n Pak, Box 176 Longvlew, Wash. , Adv. M il, 18, 25, A-l, pd. t FOR SALE: Building lot or . Highland Drive with beautlfu view of Cedar Valley. Contac , Bob Nelson 586-8393. t Adv. A-l, 8. . LADY WANTED: Part or per 1 haps full time. Former exper ience preferred but not necessary i Weekly wages, plus bonus. Llf ! and hospital insurance available Apply Frigidaire Rapid Drj ; Cleaners, 450 West 400 South, Ce 1 f Adv. A-l. WANTED TO BUY Scrap Iron, Batteries, Metals Top Prices at BILL'S SALVAGE YARD Cedar City, Utah Adv. A-l, 8, 15. Excellent buy in 2-bedroom frame home. Additional charming charm-ing room in basement In very good condition. See to appreciate. Priced at $14,500. Contact D. W. Corry Real Estate Co. 586-6162. Adv. A-l.. FOR RENT: two bedroom, furnished fur-nished home. Contact D. W. Corry, Cor-ry, Corry Real Estate Company, 586-6162. Adv. A-l. FOR SALE- Used G. E. Range in good condition. Reasonably priced. Phone 477-1541 or contact Mrs. Olive Mitchell,, Farowan. Adv. M-25, A-l. FOR SALE: First, second and third cutting alfalfa. $25 per ton. Call 586-6761. Adv. F-25. Tf. PIANO RESTYLING AND . . REFINISHING Wixom Piano Co. will be In the area soon to pick up your piano if you are Interested In having it modernized and ;a-finished. ;a-finished. Please call Mrs. Frank Farix at 586-6035 for details. The price is $235 which in eludes new bench and pick-up and delivery. WIXOM PIANO COMPANY 1337 South Main StrMt Salt Lak Clrr IS. Utah Adv. M-25, A-l, 8, 15, pd. Wanted to Trade 1000 New Tires For Old . Owing to excise tax put on to finance World War II, we must have some ' boot '' 1 See Jim, Stan, Dell i or Hal at Lunt-Heywood Co. FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO: This area. Take over small mon- thly payments. For more details " write, r CREDIT MANAGER P. O. Box 16053 Salt Lake City, Utah, imitj Adv. A-l. CEDAR REAL ESTATE COMPANY 56 West Hording Avenue Phone 586-8912 or 586-9754 ELWOOD J. CORRY HOMES FOR SALE Lovely 4-bedroom brick home, excellent location on 700 West. Covered patio with fireplace. 1V baths. Attractive 3-bedroom home south Cedar City. 1800 square feet. Fireplace. Large dining room, Lots of storage, attached garage. Large lot. Attractive new mbdorn 3-bed room" home, kitchen built-ins, fire place, basement, patio and carport South on 700 West near new high school on large lot Owner transferred, must sell. Older brick home with possibilities. Vo stories. 3 bedrooms. bed-rooms. Basement apt. S11.500. Older 2-bedroom brick home in excellent location. Basement Base-ment with rental possibilities. LOTS FOR SALE South on 225 West. $1100. West hillside lots on Cedar Ridge. Lots in Southeast Cedar City. Long Term Financing Available IN DOWNTOWN SALT LAKE CITY IT'S Congress Hotel $ Utah's Greatest Hotel Value o Complete Hotel Service .... $ $ Beautiful Furnished Rooms t $ TV Sets Available $ Tile Baths and Showers $ Free Hotel Parking $ 200 Fine Rooms S v $ $ Coffee Shop Barber Shop Beauty Shop jj! Refrigerated Air-conditioned Rooms |