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Show Carol Browning Tops Women Bowlers In Week's Activities Two leagues are still in action in the Cedar City Women's Bowling Bowl-ing Leagues and Carol Browning came up with the high scores for the pair this week. She posted a 525 series which included a 222 game. She rolled the top scores In the Tuesday Koffee League. In that league Team 1, Including Mrs. Browning, Diana Smith and Ruby Webster, had the high series of 1732 and Team 2, including Wa-na Wa-na Hoyle, Pharol Adams and Ido-na Ido-na Jackson, had the high game of 618. In the Alley Katts league Lillian Lil-lian Hazel swept high honors in the individual scores with a 213 game and a W8 series. KSUB rolled an 1807 series and the Cedar Bowling Lanes had the high game of (iGS. Members of i the KSUB team include Virginia I .Miller, Dorothy Heap, Lorraine Holm and Lura Staploy. Elaine lAverett, Alice Oowcr, Delores Webster and Ann Gower make j up the Cedar Bowling Lanes j team. i |