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Show Riddle and Sons Co. Take Utah Poultry Association Agency I E. R ddle, manager of the I E. Riddle aitd Sons Company, announces an-nounces that he has taken an agen. y with the Utah Poultry Producers Association of Salt Luke City, "tor many years." Mr. Riddle states, "there lias been an acute need of an egg and poultry marketing a-gencj, a-gencj, in connection with feed distribution dis-tribution and poultry and egg pro duet ion in this section of the state." He feels that his connection wiln the poultry association can supply this need. The Utali Poultry for many years have been coneeeded the largest and mast successful agency In the InTermounta.n country in the stao-elization stao-elization and marketing of dressed turkeys, dressed chickens, and graded grad-ed "Milk White" eggs. And now th advantage of this asoclation will be extended to Southern Utah, covering cov-ering Beaver, Irou. Washington, and Kane counties, through their agent, the I. E. Riddle and Sons Co. All poult rymen, or prospective poultrynien may become members of, and participate in the dividends of this association by applying to the Riddle Company, at Cedar City, who will furnish a cash market for an unlimited egg production or dressed poultry. Departments of Agriculture, colleges, col-leges, county agents, and the public in general will be pleased to hear of the extension of this service to the Southern part of our State, by the Utah Poultry Producers Association. As-sociation. Mr. Riddle states that he will stock an assortment of feedi, prepared under state law requtre-mets, requtre-mets, and under laboratory test, to produce the finest quality eggs, and dressed poultry, for the convenience con-venience of the poultrynien. He also al-so states that he will be able with his trucking facilities to make barnyard deliveries to all producers interested. |