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Show Does He Ever Tell You 'I Loved Your Letter'? r- Tr. l His Girl Knows Writing P.ules. pROM his happy smile you can bet his girl will never lose him by poor letters! She's made her letter style as beguiling and as smartly correct as her best date dress! After all, when you're far away, your letter is your only representative. represen-tative. If you've written a dowdy "not been nowhere," instead of "not been anywhere," you're not there with a cute pout to laugh it off. Our 32-paue booklet gives proper business busi-ness and social letter forms. 24 model letters of all types. Suggests topics to write to friends about, gives tips on pram-mar, pram-mar, helps you to write easily, charmingly. charm-ingly. Send your order to: HEADER-HOME SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 15 cents in coins for your copy of COOD LETTEIt-WRITING MADE EASY. Name Address :t;Mh F.B.MORSE i , If IN 1836 INVENTED VfC&Z THE TELE6RAPH-f TELE6RAPH-f If . j A BOTH WAY I-SW OF TRANSMITTING VriVWir MESSAGES. THE BETTER WAY TO TREAT CONSTIPATION DUE TO LACK OF proper'bulk in the DIET IS TO CORRECT THE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE WITH A m DELICIOUS CEREAL, -2s5 ALL'S RAN. EAT iff AND DRINK PLENTY SU'DnW 6l OF WATER. 5!! m DIG DEEP FOR VICTORY Dig Into Your Pocket and Buy U. S. Defense Bond IDhnciribllx Bcst for Juice atid Shew um California Navels are the perfect oranges for lunch boxes, recipes tnd between-metis between-metis or bedtime etting. They are sttdltis. Peel in a jiffy. Divide easily into firm, 1 juicy lections! Their juice is richer in flavor. fla-vor. It has more vitamins C and A, and calcium, mn bialtb in every glass. Those stamped "Sunkist" are the finest from 14,000 cooperating growers. itwritut, 11)41, uiuarnw rruit brvwan UaB |