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Show Iron County Record $2.00 per year nmmrormiiymop & PATTERN BY f ffi Jf" Tuncn rime B 'l&tww' UiV iS rr, , fX Just Oi you'll love ' Fonlo, a" U 'lUvs ' N,'C' fO"1" (r7yb . . . you'll lov lh now -: ,v Special gift to you 1 These 3 Gorgeous Y (YvpU I Serving Pieces 1 SwLXiI1 I 1 I Indeed JM 'Anti-Tarnish fuu Service for 8 i Chest in Anti -Tarnish l (FEDERAL TAX INCLUDED) HARMONY CHEST mm. MULLETT A YEAR TO PAY U . - L 1 mr.n!Jismv..sm '"--""'"'' - ji-nm.i -in., in i. hip m.nw... i n immsBBSSSSS - li B 1 ,' ,., i-nm ,1 in.n 1 i 1 1 JfjmSi j SAVE ON THESE . Immmmmmm children's percale 7 isEHnn B Ladies' Star frocks. Each 3C Rayon Krocks g . sh- I $1.49 S $0 yQ Attractive Spring c ,.ni f . . , 71 LLV1 U styles in sizes 3K I GIRLS' KEDETTE $9 AQ I ! " WO ftO to 9. White, two- (JO OQ I SP0RT SII0ES ' I 1 S TUT 430 BOYS' GYM MSffi mmmL SItQES WC I Sprin Gloves I ,,,,. 0ILCL0TH q 1 Your choice of colors b.vfl ! Costume Jewelry 1 New Patterns. A Yard ' quahty rayon fabrics. J L t B Necklaces. pendants, QUADRIGA CLOTH PERCALE OA Buy a pair for Easter. I rings, plas, and compactsJp g0 g A y d JJC I m,v w m, my ; ,, in a beautiful Spring 1 gggSliiiili u selection. 1 DIMITIES, BATISTES AND OQ- Tr n Vwm0vmmMmWWM? I ORGANDIES. A Yard 3C I &11KI10SC i PjggiMM-1 1 Pure Silk Munsingwear 1 Tfonhnrru I MEN'S HATS d1 Qft Hose, In new SpringQ IlaildbagS A Close-OUt group WVO shades The last silk a-HAf 1 Err- nn I -'BOYS' COWBOY HATS A Smart fabrics and ff 1 QO Several Colon I g I S'lQ I 'gjagagg, $1.39 W Sport Shirts 'JWW'WilWMM ' Quality knit shirts with g E mmmmmmm MEN.S SPRING ,Q g e BAUn 1 Spring Anklets I neckties. Each 4C collars; s ze 1 16' 7410 1 Pme combed cotton ank- ' ' " several at this low price B l. ts in your favorite col- S0X 1 kp mmyymM 1 I ors. All sizes represented A air LOl MMl IO or I boys' denim CI in I Boys' Broadcloth A Pair .IP I WAIST TRQUSERS $i'iU i Shirts LU r LdU V I QUALITY TURKISH OC Outstanding quality at f H V W'MWMW I TOWELS. Each I low cost. Tailored to fit.1 11 j Men's Star Brand Sg 49c illl Oxfords I children's shoes mmmmmmmmm 1 Tailored tips and . Ladies' Value I I slx: t $9 no I CI m s no fords. Brown and JjA ?1f J black Oxfords. Sizes 8 to b Fabrics and Simulated ZjXm R Black. A Pair T 3. A Pair Leathers ii 1LA Mr H 1JL XI Department Store 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR LEASE Conoco Service Station Beaver Dam Lodge, Beaver Dam, Arizona I $2,400.00 Yearly Income Assured Call Cedar City 59 or 419-J DeMar Bowman g ,,.iL.,..il...i,...,i.i,n.i.i j. m imn iiMMiil.ll!MBJHtiui mmunvmpwu&n ? Your Bam Yard Is An Arsenal of Democracy! Thia country depends on you to produce food. Industrial plants are expanding to fill war orders . . . farm expansion may be necessary to feed eoldieri and industrial workers. If your Larn and livestock buildings are too mall or "out of date" you should expand. The demand for farm products is increasing . . prices are rising . . . therefore you can afford new and better building. Drop in and look over our plans for modern farm buildings . . . and learn about cur pay-as you-earn plan. Cedar Lumber & Hdw. Co. 96 West Harding Ave. Phone 359 |