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Show Nautical Notes By Bill Hendry -USN- Your Navy Recruiting Station at Cedar City, Utah, reports five enlistments en-listments in the United States Naval Na-val Reserve for the past week. All of these men were from Southern Utah. Robert William Barry, 21. son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Barry, Monticello, Utah. Robert Blaine, Roberts, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Roberts, Minersville, Ltah. Henry DeVere Gllllns, 21, son ofi Mr. Thomas F Gllllns, Minersville, Utah. Wendell Pickett Hall, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvlu Hall, Hurricane, Hur-ricane, Utah. Clinton Nay, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Nay, Antimony, Utah. -USN- Men who enlist in the U. S. Navy not only have a chance to travel and see something of the world but, in addition, are given every opportunity oppor-tunity to learn a useful trade. The Navy Service Schools are available to men who have completed com-pleted their recruit training and have been selected from applicants who aspire to the Navy ratings -A Electrician's Mate, Fire Control-man, Control-man, Gunner's Mate, Torpedoman, Aviation Ordnanceman, Aviation Machinist's Mate, Aviation Medal-smith, Medal-smith, Aviation Radioman, Radioman, Radio-man, Pharmacists' Mate, Signalman, Signal-man, Quartermaster, Yoeman, Store Keeper, Machinist's Mate, Shlpflt-ter, Shlpflt-ter, Boilermaker, Molder, Carpenter's Carpen-ter's Mate, and Pattermaker. All naval training stations send men lo these schools. The courses of instruction are short but comprehensive. They are so planned as to give each student the foundation on which the career of a finished artisan can be built. The giaduaie's training is continued and rounded out by practical ex-periencc ex-periencc on board a vessel of the fleet where the Navy develops its skilled personnel. -USN- Enlistment of men skilled hi nearly near-ly 80 different trades is being sought by the U. S Navy for service in construction regiments. Skilled men ln various trades may be enlisted directly into rates commensurate with their previous experience. Recruiting Re-cruiting officers have been authorized authori-zed to waive physical requirements on defective color perception and loss of teeth that govern other naval nav-al branches. Particularly needed now are med-alsmlths, med-alsmlths, dredge operators, drivers, laborers, building steel workers and pile driver men, although many other oth-er classifications such as baking, cooking, electrical work, and many others are open from time to time. Men will be enlisted ln Class V-6 of the Naval Reserve and age limits are 17 to 50 years. Full information may be obtained from the Navy Recruiting Station ln Cedar City. |