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Show Bill Nye's Cow. Bill Nyo advertised his cow for sale once upon a time as follows: "Owing to ill health I will sell at my residence in town 20, rnnge 18 west, according to government survey, sur-vey, ono crushed raspberry colored cow, aged 8 years. She is a good milkstcr, not afraid of cars or anything any-thing else. Sho is a cow of undaunted i courage and givcg milk frequently. To u man who does not fear death in any form sho would bo a great boon. She is very much attached to her homo nt present by means of a traca chain, but sho will be sold to anyone who will agree to treat her right. Sho is one-fourth Shorthorn and threo-fourths Hyena. I will also throw in a double-barreled shotgun, which goes with her. In May she generally goes away somo whoro for a week or two and returns with a tall red calf with wobbly legs. Hdr name is Rosa and I prefer to Bell her to a non-resident." |