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Show PRESILlTTHT I WARNS CARRANZA I REBEL CHIEF NOTIFIED THAT UNITED STATES IS DEAL ' I ING WITH THOSE WHOM HUERTA COMMANDS AND f" 'JH THOSE WHO COME TO HIS SUPPORT. ' H O'Shaughnessy and Algara Have Been Given Their Passports. i Embargo on Arms and Ammunition Renewed. GeneralVilla ' Makes Threat of Attack on El Paso Infantry and Artillery f Detachments Ordered to Mexican Border. I Washington, April 23. President Wilson has issued a state- . i fl ment warning Carranza, the Constitutionalist chief, that the H United States was and would continue to deal with those whom " flH Huerta commands, "and those who come to his support." ; l O'Shaughnessy, American charge d' affairs at Mexico City, I fH and Senor Algara the charge d affairs of the Mexican embassy; 1 ;H have been given their passports. During the day a special re- I H serve fleet, ranging from dreadnaught to .gun boats, was ordered - H Lo the Atlantic coast of Mexico. I M The embargo on arms has been renewed, by order of President v B Wilson. J IHI The American land forces pushed their way three miles" inland vlflH from Vera Cruz, where they will do some important breast work l to make their position secure. .SH British and German vessels took off 12,000 refugees from Tarn- - pico. Wilson advised Carranza that he will look upon all followers , Bl of Huerta as subjects of reprisal. No more fighting at Vera Cruz '' H today, but reinforcements are being pushed to the border. '. fl Villa makes threat of attack on El Paso. Says he could land j jII 12,000 tVoops in El Paso in 24 hours. Thinks it might be wi&e to ' - W ' H teach the gringoes a lesson. l' H . Three regimants. oLirifantry at San Fratvclswandthft artillery LArmaWWWW WRKierrdar4id .TtpotoriaOrkl SPVM rElMfforr8rviQalong theMxicanlvjxdjr. . ST ? ' IH f Cruz, en route to American border. V ::''(''(7'Laaam I Chihuahua, April 22. General Car. ranza's first statement of tho rebel view of the seizure of Vera Cruz and the American program waa telegraphed tele-graphed Washington today It a-volds a-volds mention of rebel intentions in the matter, and states that the United States erred in that the action intended intend-ed to affect tho individual Huerta was in reality an act of hostility to the Mexican nation. Washington, April 22. -News that General Vcnustiano Carranza, constitutionalist consti-tutionalist chief, had regarded the seizure of Vera Cruz by tho American Ameri-can naval forces as an net of hostility against tho Mexican nation fell like a bombshell in official circles tonight. President Wilson had especially dis-claimed dis-claimed any act of hostility against tho Mexican people, particularizing General Huerta as the object of the American operations to procure reprisal re-prisal for offenses nt Tampico and elsewhere against tho American flag. Consequently tho Washington government govern-ment hnd hoped the constitutionalists would remain silent and not interject themselves in tho imbroglio. Tho Carranzo letter, however, confirmed con-firmed tho fears of many officials that tho constitutionalists might side with Huerta. This waa the one possibility that had been discussed in administration adminis-tration circles as the most serious phase in tho situation. Should hostility on tho part of the constitutionalists crystallzo plans of tho army will bo changed. There were reports during tho day that tho joint army and navy board already had recommended rec-ommended tho restoration of tho embargo em-bargo on arms. Action by congress npprovlng tho President's course in using tho army and navy In vlow of tho situation ho had presented in his message and tho receipt of details of fighting at Vera Cruz wero tho chief developments of tho day. Officials expressed themselves them-selves as greatly pleased with the promtness of Rear Admiral Fletchor's forces in taking possession of Vera Cruz and restoring order there. Praldie Shells Destroy Building. Galveston, Tox., April 22. Cable information in-formation reaching here tonight said the cruiser Prairie today fired thirteen five-inch shells itUo a building in Vera Cruz occupied by Mexicans who persisted per-sisted in firing and wounding several marines, notwithstanding repeated warnings. The building wa3 demol-, ished. t . FLETCHER TO REOPEN 3"$yV "VH ! BATTLE AT DAYBREAK IH Tells Mexican General That Firing ll From Housetops Must Cease or the f H Battleships Utah and Florida Wjll H Bombard Vera Cruz. , HH Washington, April 22. Admiral liH Fletcher has notified tho navy depart- ; B ment that ho has sent word to Mo:c- ' mLLLm ienn Goneral Maas that if tho Mexl- !'l cans did not stop firing their machine V'iiiiiH guns from tho housetops in Vera Cruz H ho would bombard tho city with big' MH twelvclnch guns of the Utah and Flor- -r'?H This Is interpreted by naval officors ' H hero to mean that Admiral Fletcher ,' H proposes to, renew t!.o battle at Vera H Crur. nt daybreak. H A general advance of C000 mnrlnca u H to extend the American occupation to jH the entire city is contemplated. It is ' I j probable that 2000 marines will bo ' ' fH sent to guard the railroad trestle " SmmmW west of tho city. 'll The nnvy department received an " kH official dispatch from Admiral Fletch- jB cr stating that at 10 o'clock firing ' 'H from housetops and tho sniping at I jH our men continues. The American H dead and wounded havo been removed . flI to tho ships. The Chester has reached IflHIH Vera Cruz, PilHfl In rosponao to a wireless request Hil from Secretary Daniels, Rear Admiral HHH Fletcher dispatched tho following nc- ISSiQbI count of tho seizure of Vera Cruz by ffifll tho American forces: '"' mSSsBI Tuesday in the face of an approch- WW ing northor, landed marines and sail- HH ora from battloships Utah, Florida gill&sfl and transport Prairie and seized cus- pt ?M tomhouae. Mexican forcea did not op- WstW pose landing, but opened firo with j &&kfm riflo and artillery after our seizure of ?flV 'flaW customhouse. Prairio shelling Mexl- - 'Afc.V JB cans out of their positions. Desultory V SW tB firing from house to house nnd streets. !, f'.scB Hold customhouse and section of city 'jjf , fl in vicinity of wharves nnd consulate. 'A r H Casualties, four dead and twenty " "' 'fl wounded. VrnK, Lm Our men are firing only when fired ' '' $fU ' on. Wo havo prepared a flag of truce f ! ' -iLm with General Maas to cease firing or .ihr&M our big guns will be used. Now about fwlfl 1000 marines and sailors ashore. All , 1 WJB business here suspended since noon, mWaaaW |