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Show No Beat for Him. Young Giles, eager to Join tho forco, enmo to Now York to pass tho necessary neces-sary medical examination. This ho enslly did, and the next day he was Interviewed In-terviewed by a high ofllclal. "Woll, my man," said tho latter, "you look a promising sort of follow. Whero were you educated?" "Oh," said tho recruit, "I was educated ed-ucated at a public school." "Ah! And you havo good general knowledge, I hope?" "Oh, yes." "I wonder can you tell me, for example, ex-ample, how many miles u Is from Now York to Uoston?" ' At4 this the recruit became nervously nervous-ly ngltatedt and at length ho blurted op.: "Look hero, If you're going to put mo on that beat I'm done with tho force." Pittsburgh Chronlclo Tele- graph. |