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Show NADA. AWin L. Couch made- his usual over Sunday riait at home, returning to Islen, Nev. Monday morning. i, . V W. F. Rhodea, of MuUjralr, Oka. arrived herViaat Monday to make an extended visit at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Myers. The Kada and Taarmo section men were feuajr the Urat of the week putting put-ting up loe, for use on th road next summer. Guy Philips who has been employed at the Thermo section returned to bia u in Modenu when the crew was cut-down te three men. Mr. Thompson hurf also returned to his homfc Itfi Moore waa unable to work a part of last week as be was tufferiaff from a painful boll. Joe Moon teek If s place oa the mcUob and this week Tho attendance at school has been very small during tho stormy and cold days recently as tho distance is great. It takes the most severe weather to keep our children from school, although somo livo at least fivo miles away. Weather report: Preclpitatios 1:62 inches, greatest in 24 hours- G. Dato 3. Snow, total 10.G: On ground tho 16th 1.5 inches; at end of month 6 inches. Number of days with .01 inch or moro precipitation 5; clear 21; partly cloudy 5; cloudy 5. Jan 29, coldest day this winter 22 below zero 7:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Mooro who havo been living at Big Springs, Nov. whero Mr. Mooro was assistant foreman havo moved to Miford whero Mr. Mooro is section foreman os tho Frisco Fris-co branch line. Mrs. Mooro visited her relatives hero a few days before going on to Milford. SAHARA. Mr. A. E. Markwith called on Mr, J. B. Morris on Wednesday j Mr. N. L. Meads spent over Sunday Sun-day with his family. I Mr. II. O. Dougherty has bees breaking break-ing roads. L Tho section men are busy filling tho ico cellar. Harlin Magmusscn and Burton Roy-nods Roy-nods wcro out sleigh riding this morning. morn-ing. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Carlson and family returned back hero from Bon ton, 111. this morning. i Tho MesserB H. C. Davis and Joe Yoeman wcro Sahara callers on Sunday. Sun-day. I Mr. Arlio Fourman has purchased a fine span of horses; looks like Mr. Fourman is going to get busy with spring work. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burascano call- Oil - 1 .ilAt? ft U II their way homo from a trip to Enterprise, Enter-prise, reporting tho roads almost impassable, im-passable, J A pleasant evening was 'spent at Magmusscn's on Saturday. Those who j were there were, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and son Burton, tho Messers Harvey and Elmer Phelps: It being Mrs. tj 1.1. .v. w. ...w-l, . ' . A house firo broko out at Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Griffin's Friday evening, of last week. Mrs. Griffin bad started a big firo to warm up tho ' houso and soon noticed tho ceiling burning around the stovo pipe, lucky they saw it in timo to put it out bo-.u... bo-.u... i j iiumaj,e way uuiie. I : |