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Show riiyalrlane Hate Votintl Out That a contamination anil furotgn element In the blood, developed by Indigestion, Is the cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive rub-cutaneous covering of tho muscles and ligaments liga-ments of tbe joints, causing constant and shifting pain, and aggravating as a calcareous, chalk) deposits which produces stiffness and distortion of Iho Joints. No fact, which experience has demonstrated In regard to Hostellers Stomach Hitters, has stronger evidence to support thar. this, namely, that this medicine of comprehensive uses checks the formidable and atrocious disease, nor Is It less positively established that It Is preferable to the poisons often used to arrest It, since the medicine contains only salutary Ingredients. Ingre-dients. It Is also a signal remedy for malarial fevers, constipation, ilspepsla, kidney and bladder blad-der ailments, debility and other disorders. See that you get tho genuine. |