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Show r f1 i K HINT FOR NORTHERN TRAVELERS. I "Lapping;" Ilnnkt No I.oner t"y ou ft- Nuulliarn llillrouil Tralm. "We don't lap nny more bunk.' I said a chipper newsboy at the Ontrali T depot hist night. "Truth !i we lot so- I munv that way till wo just can't 'ford 1 It. 1 don't know for curtain who Hist M itnrtod such doings, but .imiio of ihc I bora siv it wai Hill Mi-Afeo on tho J II lllchmo'nd and D.tiiVllte ro.ul. Hound I fur Hilly; he's nlwnjs starting some- i K thing h'n tlou't know nothing about. Old lillly is a lender for all that. Thu K war that fcanip can persuade tho 1 women Into buying bjink ls.'n nln and H a sliaine. Ain't' no tuo Id bilking: ho , H can Just do it; that's all. I heard otnu H of the bovs lolling how .about H!ll's lapping of booJB,wnfkod thu lirst day , JJj he fell on to thu scheme. Peoplo looked , i' wild when thoy s.iw tho 'hulch' tliiuw- . jl Ing nil sorts of bonks .Into Jhelr laps m without asking a cent for- 'cm. Thus ' all IJIlly couliFdo to hold, In when tin women would look up and smile and Ay say 'tlmnkoe.1 Hut thoy changed their i tuno when ho pasiell through the ear rf if to collect -fares' oh 'oin. Everybody J Ml wns so Interested redding tho books tyfK that they wouldn't stop, aud tl.cy ,'jfijj Hung out tho Utile tttcnty.-live and n fifties llko shot out of a shovel. Sniw ft of tho women didn't havo tho chaiig". j ; Jl and thoy wus pvlghty sorry tlu-i-M i A started to read tiio books. Thc'l I g blush and look llko thuy wanted to- . I borrow tho funds. J f "Lapping worked splendid them ' times, but she's changed now. Peoplo ' aro In tho habit of getting otr with the- f books. Wo lost nay thing that wnr f ; No, slrcc. Many is the ono th.U's got . off with my books, but I mndo It up on I M tho next man. "J'wou't do (o get h'ft. ik Talking about rondlng people, I've- .W always boon mighty successful at it- C i can toll a preacher or a lawyer 'every lire.' Oh, yes, I always havo bound I books for their sort, I slipped otur ,f I time, though. It wns tbN way: Tho Xi m compnuv had pui chased n,lot of cheap ' 1 books, -Ilow to Cu'ro DLimos of llu ; Mind nnd Body,' and as tlioy wns a hard stock we'bpya wa-ulIoweiLdotiblo s 'cgmmish' on 'em. I hatbouo loft, and -e was mighty anxious to dHposo1 of her. Shu was clean and neat, but hIio just wouldn't go. One 4lny coming-' out of Mneon, I espied a llttlo'dilcd un mnn, ' with shnggy hnlr lind W(;jk-!ookliig , ' eyes. IIo had tho littlest (uhils I ever :' i seen, und legs nnd fcot nt'Cordiiigly. E jj set him down for a countryman. I ;M made bold to tuc'klo him. 'Hutu's tho IE lust ono I hnvo lu stock,' 1 s.iid to him. v Cij rUettor tnko it if you uccd nuyLhing or " jU thu kind,' I argued; 'this is tha only' , ono in print. Country peoplo don t ; havo to sand for a doctor whon thuy , huvo this work.' Thu little mnn looked fl up at mo sorter tired and said mildly: I M 'You little rasc.il I 'If you don't go ( tl away from mo I'll throv?-yod out that jl window.' I turned liiriny lip at tho fl llttlo old cOuntrymna'tiiViI wnlkod out. J M When wo reached 'Atla;til thu depot D wns crowded wIlhr'i)ubtAo, jind they -.BB ltept np sueh yhoopln an hollerlii' " when tho tr.lln stopped, I poked my f . head out to sco whut was tlio nutter. L Would you believe It,' thoy bad this f llttlo countryman by thu hands, and I looked llko they'd go pltpii cra.y about him. I got sorter uneasy, nnd I eased I up to tho conductor and iiskcd him who j, tho coiintryman'wns mul ho said: 'Look 1 heah, boy, don't you khow Gov.- Alex. jl SlcpheusP' " Atlanta Journal. ' |