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Show I; Thkiie Bhould bo n Btronuous cfTort ! put fortli to'jcoinploto somo of tlio I ' publio buildings now in tlio course, I of construction. I The tabornaclo epcakfl volumes I in praiso of the entorpriso of tha I people of Cedar, but it would bo a I Btill greater mark of publio spirited- I ncss woro it pushed to completion. Thero is the Oity Hall, tho found-I found-I ntion for which has stood, ns at I present, for many months. An effort in tho right direction I would doubtless put tho houso up nnd it would bo of somo vnluo. H-i Now tho News tukes it ns n wiso thing, notto linvo too many irons in 4 .) t'10 re n one t'1110- H&t- n Cedar thq people havo an un- jfek iiuished tabornaclo, an incomplete K City Hall, in Parownn a partially HpT' roctcd Social Hall. Now before B(r other, no doubt equally as necessary I project.! bo undortakon, tb so struct-H struct-H i tires should bo fitiisbed and in.uso. H After this othora may follow, and tlio peoplo, having confidence that H tho commencement of a project H, means its completion, will uso extra H exertion to forward tho enterprise H Tho News heartily ondorscs every H j undertaking looking to tho erection H, j of publio buildings, but it certainly H profors to sco them, completed bo-H bo-H 1 foro now projects of this character H 1 are entered into. |