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Show Illnta to Houiekernerf. Tallow, nppllnd warm, will soften and ilnnlly euro corrs and bunions. Apples will not froozo it covorod with u Unon cloth, nor a plo or custard cus-tard burn If in tho ovon with a dish of wntor. Purify clothes that hnvo beon kopt from tho air by laying ploccs of charcoal char-coal (wrapped in paper) In tho folds. Try tho open air first. To prosorvo apples, spread thorn on a grating, but not in contact with oach other, as one bad apple will spoil tho othors by staVtlnj decay. Constipation may bo relieved. If a cupful of hot water, In which a ton-spoonful ton-spoonful of salt has beon dissolved, Is taken ovory morning boforo broakfnst. It is said that to drink swcot milk after oatlng onions will purify tho oroath so that no odor will romatn. A. cupful of strong coffco is also rccom-monded. rccom-monded. Two npples kopt in tho cake box will causo inodorutely rich enko to ro main moist for a great longth of tlmo, If tho npples uro rone wed whon wlthorcd. Turpentine nnd black varnish is tho blacking used by hurdwuro dealers for protecting stovos from rust. If put on proporly It will last through tho season. Tho best way whon hot grenso has boon spilled on the lloor Is to dash cold wator over It, so as to harden It quickly and provuut It striking into the boards. Don't forgot lo hnvo u fow boans of colToo handy, for this servos ns a doodorlzcr If burnt on coals or paper, lilts of charcoal placed around aro useful in absorbing gases nnd othor Impurities, A protty way of sorving eggs for toa is this: Cut broad In ntco squnro plocos und toast. Tuko eggs out of tho shell, kcoplng yolks whole. Hint tbo whites to u still froth, lay tho beaten whlto around nleoly on tbo toast, drop yolks in contro of whlto ring, silt and put In hot ovon to bako n fow lnlnu'es. When you take them out of tho ovon, pour a llttlo molted butter on toast. ' |