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Show Cotton I'lmnta. A German botanist finds that thrco species of cotton aro known, viz: 1. Gosyp!mn barbadense !., which is a nntlvo of Amorlco. and has seeds which nro easily Boparutcd from tho fibre. This species in kiionn 119 "sen Island cotton." Iritrbndocs cotton" or "Now Orleans cotton," and tho cotton of Peru Is n variety. 2. G. nrboroum L., which has uu cspcolally whlto fibre, seods separated with difficulty, and purplo red flowers. 'Jlio species has long been grown in Egypt, Arabia, and India. 3. G. hcrbacoum L., which has fllamctit-coated seeds llko tho lust, but yellow flowers. This cotton was introduced into tho United States from India a llttlo ovor a contury ago, and Is tho one now so extensively cultivated culti-vated In tho ormor country. Its earliest ear-liest cultivation dates from more than 2, COO years ago, since which tlmo it has produced a numbor of varlotlos, ono with a yellow llbro known as "Nankeen cotton." |