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Show HV "w to llullil Up" Horses . L Many flat-sided, long-bacltod, slnck- LnL, lolnod borsos uro receiving liboral HkI putronngo on account of their dofects BbVbVbO -. '",'" considnrubly mnskod by layors BBBBBBM. sstty" flabby ,nUi,c,e- Condition HnnlUiiot s.mply mean tho presontatlon IHHVWJ good uppenranco, but signifies BVMBmVBmV" ability to on d tiro work nnd maintain V icalth. Tho two luttor conditions K' 'an not ba maintained without liberal Br 'ucdlng nnd plonty of oxorctBO. Good H sondltlon rcqulro.i tlmo to nroduco. H I'ho work of conditioning ought to bo- H ;in full two months before tho souson. B i I ho dally oxoroUe nnd quantity of P ' 'ood should bo Increased in llko ratio, Fr "ltl1 Uvo miles u day Is given n draft H lor-o nnd eight or ton a light horse. F Drugs nro dotrhnontul to tho process H' if conditioning, A groat lnvlgoratnr H )f tho horso is rubbing. Nothing, luxt to good feeding, gives him moro Bl vim. A plontlful supply of good, A I'lcun, thick cotton rubbers should be & 3ii hand, nnd tho horso should bo vlg- H iruiisly rubbed nftor his oxorulso until B in Is porfoctly dry. Groom while tho V :ln:ulatlon of tho skin is nctlvo, ns H ufter oxorclso is fur moro bonoficlnl V than nt any other timo. Tho death B alo among heavy stallions during tho H teason is much higher than It need H bo. which Is largoly tho result of W brubtly putting horses into tho try- B ing ordonl of honvy servlco and co'n- k tttiut excitement, without building up K tho system lu tho manor Indicated. |