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Show I "" ..- - . k mil - i i ' MB g f , ',' ".'" : QZ m 5 :- m ' - ' OQ CJ , ?'. -..; id 4 ' ''"' " ' "'' SS lj CO , y i .. (...- , . &M .Hiss!j ..... ' AVER'S r It fio Live b- rS g B O omw torpid, Htho 8 (LnBnW9a bowcli are coMtlfua, 01 the (totukdi f a11 to prfonn It tunetlont ptprly, u Ayer'i rilU. They rt inTlU. For tome Tt I iru ricttra to Utct CompUInt, In coutrqaano ot which I uffered fromQenrl Ubllltrnd Indl. KMtlon. A few boie ot Ayri P11U reatored me to tttrfect liefcltn. W. X, llrightaey, Heaaenon, 7. V. Fo S?r J ''T0 r1IeJ "now opo Xyer's 1"UU than mythlne li to Rogulato mj lowols. ThM Nil re mild In . tion, nnd do their nork thoroiiehlT. I liaro used them, with good effect, in easei of Itheuiiuthm and Dripepala.-. O. V. Miller, AttloborouKli, jfult. Ayer'a P11U cured mo of Stomach and Liver troublei, from which I hid imlered for yenrs. I consider them the best pllli made, and would not ba without them. Morrla Oatos, Dowmvllle, W. Y. I win fittneked with Illlloun Firet, which wai followed by Jnundlce, and wm 10 dancerously 111 that my frlendi dpnRlrelofmyrocovery. I commenced takliiR Ayer'a I'llli, nud goon rocalned my ciutomary ctrcucth and vmor. John 0. 1'attUon, Lowell, Kebraska. LaU iprlnij I sufferoil irrcatly from troublesome humor on my side. In spin of evory olTort to euro this eruption, 1t In. crcascil until tho IlesU bocamo entlrelr ta.w, I,wng '''oul'lol. at tlio same tlmo, with Indigestion, and dlitr cuing pains In Tho Bowels. By tho ndrlio of a friend I benm tafclni Ayor'i l'llla. In n ehort tlmo 1 wa free from pain, my food dlgcstod proiorly, tho iro on my body commenced healinr, and, In leu than one month, I wai cared. Hamuel V. Whlto, Atlanta, Ga. I liavo long used Ayer'i rilli, In my family, and believe them to be the lst pills mado. S. 0. Warden, Darden, Mlsi, My wife and Ilttlo girl Were taken with Dysentery a fow days ago, and I ntonco beprao giving them imall doses of Ayer'i 1lls,thlnkinrl would call adoctor it Hit disease lcjunu any worso. In a short timi the bloody discharges stopped, all Pin.'went awJ ni' health was restored. Theodore lialing, Itichraond, Va. ft ' Ayer's Pills," rrptr4 kj Dr. J. 0. Ajtt Ik Co., Lowell, Uw, Snld by all Iealeri In IledicUe, " i ' AfZs. ''ToapraaGtehnjlDtm-trinn. TdfirtiW puii.nl ftiiiinformiikjB of ta I'Asi VAv ChnniiiimViiHfwftiMi. iv.te;- w"v-" 'iiiii. ifyouw5 -5 JPAlSV ulilnftlirt tho ni-IU of Vwr M 'i-t-Srl j0)namilon-vfrytlllftit VJwJ ffji-Zi y wMTaiued, nnd lrayH ttrrt iW-ii? ratUfuctlon. 'rwenty yur.' - RrtaJV. rjriMiKi In tbo minufkctuji SlSXBkS1 "ifcrOatloRue. MS ii , F'." '"ur c'"'"ict entir hi. llif l K '4f"UOD,Uletiio.jeocrofour t W PvYood Pump 0r PfJsf MIM K ' low forinferior W?y.'a (f'VlVVi F.n0'1,', Sl"npfor0piS3 &T .. IT WILL PAY YO'J, O 1 WOftft rtlkJ. Vrt4tr. 7'r0r4? UrtlM7 7lf ron want U tttnH ft Vfttl '''l U4lil UrficNr1 nl Ant tkul li I?ll1,"VR Ml,rf 'iMifcttflTtHrtBrf-SiK tmJ I S, i'l'i Tcrr ytrf thnn nil "tlrtui, ffA Ui . "d fir Wi I.MmH CiloM. ftPOWEU,Ci EOI13LA0, f Jfl-i WnnUrjrnn, 111. WAS- tJ Mui'l'n of 1'uuyi, WladmiUi, tt. IlKilIng, Fisliing and Pleasure Boats," v.ffl'rir3SK?'.arrT??: Minctinji,v..ijinwto? lb. wltUoar.M JtoatsbnllttonixJpr Bn(J naiup int u)acii. POVELL.&DQU0LA0,viiiilcu.lU Cemuine tho Jtslcs of the Blue Fimn Culifornii. so litxatlvo and nntrittou wltli th medicinal v!ttuc of jjlii, knewn to be most benerirftl to 11 huminsvitern.formln? the ONLY l'Er FECT REMEDV to act centiy y. promptly on tha KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWEL' AM TO Cleansotho System Effecfuaify to THAT punrj dlood,' nEFRESKINQ SLBnP, HEALTH and STHKNOT Hitvrilty follow. Ever? ons U o!np and ill are delighted villi It. Al. y. nrccciit for SYKUP OF FIGS. hU.. fnctured only b- the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sam I'kakciicc, Cl. 33tsriLi.r, Xy. KtwVaxic, K. SCROFULA Idonot bcltovothnt Ayor'i Barsnparllht has on equal as u euro for Scrofulous Humors. Hu-mors. It is pleasant . totnko,Rlvo4 strength to the body, and pro-Mumnrft pro-Mumnrft duies a more pernia- nHinunj, nont rc,tllt j,, nn raodlclnu I ever usad. K. Haines, North IJndalc, Ohio. I have used Ayer's n.irrapnrllla, in iny fumlly, fur Scrofula, . . and know, If It Is Erysipelas, SSSSS&S& tlila terrible dineas. W.F.Fowler.M.U., Greenville, Tenn. For forty years I litvo BllflvIOd with Uryslpclai. I have triod various remedies Canker, and ,or m? eonipuint, but uainvci,uiiu tomj no tMtt uutJI I commoaeed tiling Aror'i Harsaparllla. After taking tcu bottles bot-tles ot this medicine 1 tin completely cured. M. 0. Amesbury, pi-h., Itockport, Me. . lalurri3, I liave mfferoil, for " ." years, from Catarrh, which was so sovera that It dmtroyod my appetite and weakened weak-ened tny lystoru. After trylnr otriet remedies, without rcw n-. u lM x !?" to take Gail DO Ayer'o Sirjap&rillfi, and, In a few months, P.HrPifl nV waacuroil, Busanli. uuiou uy Cook, tWB AlUtny av, purifying Ztfi&vm the blood inc4&rW ... over tried. I have Willi tnkon It for Scrofula, Canker, and 6alt. Itheum, and reeelvod much btnoflt from It. It ,1a cood, also, to n weak: stomach. Mllllo Jane 1'circo, fl. Bradford, Moss. U Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prtpircd by Pr. J. O. Aycr k Co., fwcll, M. lrloe 81 six ImtUei, SS. pesiTresc flooleaa. iVl!LLS RSAMUFAOTURSRS OF S" ' 1 JJeTT t Kl I" " ' " ' ' ' BTBIIW 'Blmmfovts; Flannels, Yarns: Th Best JCatkrt Price laid fe Williami Askworth, Suporiatcndont. wf t -VMHiiiHiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHil I'H. DALLEY. I Ei and Agent, ,H Notary Public H Cedar City, Ulali. ;H " ' .H I JOS COSSLET. ; Yairietj Storo -I JW&tions- H 'oFswpJry Hl Yen should. su:ly see his JM ' lO cent H O UNTER I Lessons on tho H mn and rim - ( iH The Favorite- W atedlelne for Throat and I.ting Did. .H eultlts has long been, aud still is, Ayir'l H Cherry Pectoral. It curt Croup, H Whooping Couch, Ilrtxiahltls, and H Asthma; soothes Irritation ot tin H I.aryuz and Kauces ; itruugthcni the B Vocnl Organi ullnjs iomiicm of thi H L.UHK8J prorouti Consumption, axL H fen In advanced stages of Hint dlsesie, .'H rellevu Cotighlnu aud Induces Bleep. H Thera Is no other pruparatlou fot dlsv eanss of the throat and lilies to be ccaa Jl parea with this rimedy. aiiiiifl "My wife liad a dUtrrsslnn couak, H with palun In the side ami breast. V , M trlud various uiedlclnos, but none did vjfll any Kood until I got a bottle of MflLLLLLI Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral, which hai curid HH licr. A nelahlxir, Mrs. Oliiui, had the JkM Alid'thoi'Diieh was relieved br MH Hie lue of Ayer's I'ectoril, I JsH lu-eltfttlon In ruooiutnt'iulliiit Dili .CVkl Cough riediclrio PPH to every mm afflicted." Itobrt Ilortoa. H Foreman Ilcmlll'jht, Morrlllioa, Ark. )l " I hivo beun aflllcted with asthawi MH for forty ears. Lust spring I was takiU i4H wHJi h violent coukIi, which threatened rsiiH to termlnata my tlnvs. Kvery oue pre L H iiomiutid uiu in consumption. I ilur- Sir'tiiH tiilucd to try Ayer's Clierry 1'eotoial. 'ftiiH Its rlTncts were iiiorKviI. 1 was ImmeilV -H Hlcly reltovxd and uontlnued to linnror H uiitn eutlmly recovered." Joel llullard, , H Cullfoxl, Conn. 'l "Slx.mmithRif;oIIiad a severe henv v'iH orrlincu of the ltmcs, brouijht on.by aa ' M iiiccsatit couch whloh dtjprived mi of 'H sleep and ichI, I tried viirlous ronie. riiiH dies, but obtained no rellK until I be. ;H ?:au to take Ayer'i Cherry IVctonl. A jl wr bottles of this modlcine cureil me." rB Mrs. K. Coburn, ll Second st.Lowill, flBH Mass. MHB1 "For children aflllcted wjth eolds. H coughs, Koro throat, or croup, I do not MHH know of any remedy which will give VHI mora speedy rollof than Ayer's Cherry HH IVuturul. I have found It, also, Inviliv- SHH nblo In coses of Whooping Couj;h." SHB Ann I.ovnjoy, 1257 Washington stsaet, flBH Iloston, Mass. nH Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, M tuuTxnzo at Dr. J. O. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mut. .wuslVflVJ It sll DrujiUU. Tries (l:tUbo(tlH,tl. . (AMBVAVAI ' vhhhhhhhhb HENRY M. STANLEY H IN c DARKEST AFRICA' A Tlio completi llorf ot Blinlir'l ntni thirtUUj rV ulimturn su4 t!w d.cloJr of nU ImvorUal M aU:erlni will ! for lb flrrt tips la wok l-nltia kj hlmult. anlUU4 "la VuiMt Afil-fc" nal l iictltn.l It ' ttf ' ill,.! "UI Iwoli" mi Ixitaf eOrnl ! ; cjmi"ul"l.'ti:lle. I M M l( " SUiltrcjolrtbilUallm. .....,' rrsttlaTW7MrlUuUi. trrn"Mt't. A t!lflr,lror9H:tlon. CAUTION JStfH &l,ill."Sle 'I Iijilef M CHARLBS aCRinNHR'a BOMB ,. AsiltbtlttuuaTMOf kIm " J ot friMr (rota tl. M U. BANCROFT & CO. 1 132 POST STREET, . J tin rnMicitco. . Ill I Gsiml Aputt for the PasfSs 63U ,. |