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Show Strength of Character. r ' It is he who does -wrong and, seeing it, is sorry, and says manfully, "I have made a mistake. I regret what I have; done, and it shall ever be as a warning warn-ing to me," he is the. one who has the: real strong character. He". Who nurses; his error, and covers it Over; with the mantle of self-esteem, will fnd in the end that his whole life has been a mistake,. mis-take,. For, starting off wrong, in one thing, he has ever after stuck to each mistake made.' It would be all - very "well if we would all think slow, and speak, or act in all important things only afters due deliberation. But it seems jto bo in -some natures, and, even in' -some races mot e than others,; to let impulse direct action. Such being the case, the transgressor must expect to feel, and "does feel, the sting of hasty words and wrong action. .-' But by disavowing dis-avowing such as soon as. reason asserts itself, strengthens the one who sb acts, be he man or boy. This leads to an in- cident which recently occurred at Harvard Har-vard college. A student, in the flush and ebullition of the moment when victory had come to Harvard against .Yale, painted the statute of John Harvard, Har-vard, the founder of the: college,, Swith' red paint. The enormity of the of-fense of-fense came to him w hen he saw the indignation it caused. His conscience demanded him to tell the wrong he did. and he was expelled. The boy showed his strength of character -was-greater than his weakness, and, as such, should be held up, not to odium, but to praise. It is well ndt to do wrong, but he who, does so and admits it, is the really-strong really-strong of soul. .. . |