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Show ANACONDA. M. D. Kern and family of Butte are registered at the Montana hotel. ? The body . of Patrick Fitzstephens was deposited Sunday in the Catholic cemetery. Anaconda, June 7. The will o the late Isadore Khret was admitted to jrobate in the district court this morning morn-ing after hearing the testimony of M. Muller and G. B. Wunstor, the subscribing sub-scribing witnesses, and of Frank J. Strickfadden, named. in the will as executor. ex-ecutor. The -bond of the executor was fixed at$1S,000, The late Isadore Ehiret was one of the original discoverers of the Black-foot Black-foot diggings in 1S68. That camp at one time had a population of 3,000 or 4,000 people, and it was there that he made his start. After -the best days of the placer diggings Mr. Ehret removed to Deer Lodge and afterward to Anaconda, Ana-conda, being a resident of the latter place at the time of his death. The estate consists partly-of cash in the bank and partly of real estate in Anaconda. The Woodmen of the World of Anaconda Ana-conda held memorial exercises last Sunday. ' At 10 o'clock members of the order to the number of about thirty-five assembled as-sembled at A. O. H. hall and inarched to Hill cemetery, where the grave of Philip -Low-erv former pastor of the Methodist "church in this city, and a prominent Woodman, was appropriately appropri-ately decorated with' flowers, and the ritualistic memorial service of the order was read: , ' The procession then returned to A. O. H. hall, where committees were appointed ap-pointed to visit - the Odd Fellows' and Catholic cemeteries and conduct similar sim-ilar services. At the Odd Fellows' cemetery the grave of Thomas Harle was decorated, and at the Catholic cemetery those of Patrick Corrigan and Thomas Whalen. The monument recently erected by the Woodmen of the World over the grave of Patrick Corrigan was unveiled un-veiled at that time with appropriate ceremonies. - |