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Show j HAPP5T THOUGHTS. j Adapt thyself to the thing with which thy lot ha3 been cast and love those with whom it is thy portion to j live, and that with sincere affection. f j Emerson. j Our prayers are ships. We send them to no uncertain port. They are des- tined for the throne of t-race; and while. I they take a cargo of supplications from I j us, they come back argosies laden with. ! ! the riches of Divine grace. - . . - i Habit, if wisely and skillfully formed, J becomes truly a second nature; but un- ' i skillfully and unmethodically directed. it will be as It were the ape of nature. 2 which Imitates nothing to the life, but only clumsily or awkwardly. Bacon. ; The years of old age are stalls in I the cathedral of life in which for agd men to sit and listen and meditate and be patient till, the service is over, and in which they may get themselves j ready to say "Amen" at the last. with, all their hearts and souls and strength. William Monntford. i Four things are required of 3 woman wo-man that virtue should dwell in her J heart: that modesty should shine upon her brow; that sweetness should flow " from her lips, and that labor shouM i employ her hands. The mildest attitude a man can take, i whether he is still rejoicing in his ; youth or getting into years, is that at- f tiude of awe and reverence which be- . fits a man confronted by the facts of . j . our habitual experience, that attitude ! of dedicated will which for so much f received pledges the best that it can , give. The effajrt to understand naturo without understanding nature's God has led men astray. They have strus:- f gled to explain away the world of spir- 1 It and have misunderstood the spiritual spir-itual and the supernatural. Many are realizing the hollovvness of their claims and are working toward the light. Spiritualism, occultism, mental science. Christian Science, are. aft?r all. but expressions of the human mind, showing show-ing the need for the supernatural. ; which alone can satisfy it. Bishop Conaty. Why is it that we, in the very kingdom king-dom of grace, surrounded by angels and preceded by. saints, nevertheiesr can do so little, and, instead of mounting mount-ing with wings like eagleV grovel ia the dust and do but sin and confesf - sin alternately? Is it that the power of God is not within us? Is it literally liter-ally that we are not able to perform God's commandments? Gor forbid. s We are able. We do have a power y ? within us to do what we are commanded command-ed to do. What is it we lack? The, power? No; the will. What we lack is the simple, earnestt, sincere inclination inclina-tion and aim to use what God has given us and what we have ia 03, Cardinal Newman, |