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Show SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Angus McKellar, jr., has gone east on a business trip. J. J. Daly has returned from a trip to th east. Hon. M. F. Tarpey of San Francisco, formerly a national committeeman of the Golden state, is in town on a visit. Frank A. Beckwith, cashier of the Beckwith Bros. Banking company of Evanston, Wyo., is a guest at the Ken-yon. T. F. Marnane, who, for seven years has conducted a grain and hay store here, left for his former' home in Tip-perary, Tip-perary, Ireland, Monday. He will visit relatives for the next few months. His wife and family preceded him several months ago. Mr. "Marnane recently sold his business to J. J. Harvey. Mrs. P. J. Enright and daughter, Clara, will leave in a short time for a tour of the eastern states.. In September Septem-ber they will go abroad to remain several sev-eral months. At the Kenyon hotel parlors last'night a reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland to the members of the legislature and prominent people of the state, prior to their departure for Washington. For four hours the popular hostelry was a scene of rare brilliancy, nearly all the prominent leaders of society being present, as well as representatives of a large number num-ber of professions. The guests numbered num-bered 300, but owing to the size of i the long drawing rooms, there was no overcrowding, and people came and went with freedom. A feature of the evening was the decorations, which were elaborate and carried out in a beautiful design by palms and American beauty roses. Assisting in the receiving were: Mr. T. B. Bestty. Mrs. Benner X. Smith. Mrs. Samuel Park, Mrs. M. R. Stewart and Mrs. E. R. Sutherland. In charge of the punch bowls were Miss Elizabeth Eliza-beth Mclntyre. Miss Edith Hale, Miss Nellie Cullen, Miss Alice Paul, Miss Margie Miller and Miss June Bintz. t Mrs. Martha Royle King, whose son Royle has been ill with diphtheria lot-several lot-several days past, is also suffering from the disease, but friends will be glad to know that both Mrs. King and Royle are doing nicely. Edmund Buckley, son" of J. N. and Josephine Buckley, died Wednesday, aged 11 years. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Curtis and Mrs. J. E. Roach will be at home after today at 111 North Main street. Miss Kale Mackenzie is now at home with Mrs. A. J. Stephens at 358 East Fifth South street. Mrs. Robert G. Smith has gone to Los Angeles to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jevne. W. P. Noble and Miss Mayme Noble have gone to Byron Springs in central California to spend a few weeks. The Press club's annual banquet is set ,for March 4 and will be one of the coming events. The Bingham Bulletin has been purchased pur-chased by Charles T. Harte. the well known newspaper man, who will assume as-sume charge of the paper on March 1. Mr. Harte was formerly engaged with various dailies in this city, and afterward after-ward edited the Times at Milford. For some time past he has been doing newspaper work at Nampa, Ida., and in California. Ex-Chief of Police Farley of Denver was in the city during the week. Dr. F. S. Scallon, late of Michigan, is now permanently located In our city and has his office in the Salt Lake Security Se-curity & Trust company building. Many friends are pleased that the doctor has dec ided to make this city his home. Miss Marguerite Harley has gone to San Francisco to visit Mrs. Marion Pitt Robinson, formerly of this city but whose home is now in California. I i John Conway, who was track foreman fore-man below Caliente, has- gone to Du-rango Du-rango to take a similar position with the Gould extension. Miss Katherine Early is contemplating contemplat-ing the acceptance of a position in. San Francisco. Madam Vivian Jones'' eyes have so improved that she is able to take her usual spring trip to New York for the Keith O'Brien company. She will return re-turn in a few weeks. Frank E. McGurrin returned from a trip to the Atlantic coast yesterday. He was three days and four nights making the trip from St. Louis. At Council Grove, Kan., the train on which he was making his westward journey was delayed twenty-three Lours, caused by a wreck in .w hich sev eral "engines ran together and were smashed. The wreck was caused by cold weather and ice upon the rails of the road at Council Grove. Mr. Mc-Gurrin's Mc-Gurrin's brother, Manus McGurrin, has returned from the Philippines and is in the city. Miss Myrtle Evans and Miss Kate O'Rourke entertained thirty friends at a Washington's birthday party Tuesday Tues-day night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. David Evans. They played progressive progres-sive peanuts during . the evening. |