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Show THE KENYON. Salt Lake City's New Hotel. Enjoying the distinction of being located in the exact geographical center of the main business portion of Salt I Lake City immediately surrounded by all the great retail stores, and places of amusement is "The New Kenyon," large, superb and incomparable. The eve of the luxury-loving commercial man, or the swell tourist, always rolling a favoring glance toward a very cen-. trally located, elegant, first class hotel, rests with complacent satisfaction upon Don Porter's palatial hostelry of FIN DE SIECLE Salt Lake City. 1 Tuesday was the patronal feast of St. Stephen's Church. The feast, coming so near Ohriftmas. is overshadowed by the greater feast, and no unusual service is so noticeable as it would be if it came after the holidays. A solemn high mass was said in the morning. Rev. D. J. O'Farrell , pastor of the church, being celebrant'- Revs. B. F. Killilea and T.e.i I'lia, rjn.,J con and sub-deacon. Baking Powder j Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bakin? powders are the greatest menacers to health of tie present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. THE INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC. CATHO-LIC. can be found on sale at the following Salt Lake news stands: O'Connor's Drug Store, 229 Main street. Derge & Co., 164 South Main street. Barrow Eros., 43 West Second South. Hammel's Eook Store, 49 West Sec- ond South. Salt Lake News Co., 71 West Sec- -ond South. llargett Bros., Main street, oppo- site Z. C. M. I. How interest Increases. i Few people stop to realize the enor- mous earning power of interest, and it is those few who become wealthy and remain so. If a young man 18 years old should begin to save one dollar per ( month, and put it at interest at 4 per ' cent, when he reached the age of 50, he " would have $24,077.57. and could retire i on a yearly income of $963.08. If he got 6 per cent interest he would have $34,- , S01.G8, and could retire on a yearly in- come of 52.0S8.06: The 6 per cent man i would have more than double the in- 4 come of the 4 per cent man. How few i there are who could not save one dollar j per month, and yet how few there are who at 50 years of age are worth $34,000. It is small at first, but grows like a rolling snowball. Money invested , through McGurrin & Co., Salt Lake City, earns G per cent interest, com- i pounded semi-annually. Each per- son's money is separately secured by j first mortgage on real estate, and is not j mixed in with the business of anyone i else. 4 SMOKE, SMOKE, SMOKE Smoke Blue Point Cigars, Co-opera- i tive Cigar Company, makers, 50 West 4 Second South Street, Salt Lake City. j Zion's Savings Bank and Trust com- pany was established in 1S73, and has since opened more than twenty-four ' thousand savings accounts. Have you an account? If not, start one NOW. County agents in Utah, Idaho and Montana for to act as representatives i ui several mst-ciass jryasiern insurance insur-ance and Commercial Houses. Goad terms. Address Wm. A. Robertson, General Manufacturers' Agent, P. O. Box, 1119. Salt Lake City Utah. 5TOXJISrC3r S3 "SZ-QTTJKrGr REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Fire, Life, Accident. Liability. Plate Glass' Insurance. Rooms 202-203 Whiting-ham Whiting-ham Block, Salt Lake City. CATHOLIC "PRAYER , " BOOKS. Key to Heaven, Child's Prayer Books and Manual of Prayer, In Assorted Bindings. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. 11 and 13 .Main Street. Next Nortb ofZ. C M. I. (EG.S 1(1 Salt Lake City, Utah. I We re Slow9 I Neither Are We Fast 1 I This is the 'story our Clock tells when you set them J I to work, because they keep absolutely correct tims. , j! re have a splendid assortment of exquisite finish and artistic design at I Is very low prices. Now is the time to get a bargain in Clocks, j Ho DiBwoodey Furniture Ca j I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. i Ejjg , ; " Great Semi-Ahnual i Clearance Sale t $ 1 I OF THE CHOICEST STOCK OF t Clothing and Furnishing Goods t ) ever shown in Utah is now on at $ JL SIEGDL'S, 61, 63, 65 Main Street. 1 i''Ji - ri No time to quote prices at present; too busy. Will say, though, $ k ihTj'X that every article in the whole house has been reduced to the point that v ) I Yi: will make this the most sensational Clearance Sale of the year J90Q. $ l V No reserve whatever. Everything must be cleared out to make room I . V for our Stupendous Spring Stock of Goods. . t : : : f Mail j Pl2.il I 0r(lers . 1 W fPfftfei 0rders i I Carefully mMhmk Carsfu11? t I Filled. iil Filled. j MtXO 0-'!5'-M5 '-0-0"-0-'-"9-0 Salt Eafee gity. Iliarobn, Cle Cailor, MINES AND STOCKS. " 10S East Second South. Holmes Building, i C QMITH SALT LAKE CITY. Tic r 1 V E ci A ft 2 3 DEALER IN DRUGS, HEDICINE5, & CHEHICALS, TOILET ARTICLES AND FANCY GOODS. A Full Line of Surgical Instruments. 142 South Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah.' V.. T. BLACKMARR, President. H. B. SABINE. B. F. KEDMON, Manager and Treasurer. B. & 0. TRANSFER & MERCANTILE CO. (INCORPORATED.) Furniture, Pianos and Safe Moving:. Office, 41 TVest Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Uta.h. Telephone 3o5. P. O. Eox 141. Ds;JaWihed 1SC2. Joslit) sPafk JEWELERS. r70 Mato St., Salt Lake Oity, U, Sign of the Street dock. SauvenTrsi In Spoons and Novelties. IMa-moulds, IMa-moulds, Sterling- SSlvenvare, Fine American. Amer-ican. ud Impartieidi Waibdhies. Eta EDWARD McGURRIN, Attorney ' and Counselor. " Suits 402-403 Atlas Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. I; GEO. G. DOYLE & CO., Modern Plumbing and House Heating, 211 South State Street. 'Phone, 162. Salt Lake City. mm M H mm M mmmmw mm mu M m O'HEARA & CO., REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND MINING STOCKS. Re-discount and sell commercial paper, Rooms 4-1-46 O'Meara block, . Salt Lake City, Utah. NOTthe-CHEAPEST,"" but the BEST. lA!IISJr Steam and Hot Water MlMil 3 Heating Apparatus. TP. 3VT3FSL,T. 70 West Second South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. INSURANCE. R. W. SLOAN, j Life, Liability j and Fire. 44 West First South Street, Salt Lake City, UtaH GEOEGE H. INGHAM, FIRE INSURANCE. SURETY BONDS, j REAL ESTATE. j Special attention given to the management manage-ment of rentable property. 60 West Second South, Salt Lake City. w un neaaquarierg in nit; gri.iesL mining" center in the- world, we have exceptional facilities for obtaining the very best both in stocks and mine?. Information In-formation cheerfully given. LYMAN A. SISLEY & CO., ' 47 E. Broadway, Butte, Montana, KEMMERER THE PERFECT COAL. Tel. 49, 53 West Second South. CITIZENS COAL COMPANY. gfs-.sg,:.'?:--r;.y:i.:y ..Vifsyy A. N. WALLACE, S I EUREKA, UTAH, ft t ' I I Funeral Director I I and Embalrner. p y u m itfty,.iiiYii y,'gi3fk;l"" R H. Alris, Pres. E. W. NleoT, Sec'y. SALT HE ELECTRIC SUPMV (0. CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS. Wholesale and Retail Electric Supplies. Best Assorted Line of Electric Fixture West of Chicaso. Telephone No. 5. 13 W. 1st South. St., Salt Lake City. Utat. THE BIGGEST CLEARING SALE EcR MSm. . A DRY QOODS SLAUGHTER WITHOUT PARALLEL, BARGAINS that will crowd and jam 4p this store from one end to the other. Startling, Decisive, Telling Reductions that will put money 1 jf in the pockets of all comers. In the face of steadily Advancing Prices we will sacrifice thousands X ' J upon thousands of dollars' worth of First Class Merchandise this week to close out our entire 1 . winter stock. Every article in the house put under the knife. Utterly impossible to tell the p n whole story. No adjective can be found to too forcibly express the mighty saving importance of j g this sale! EVERY SPOT IN THE STORE ALIVE WITH BARGAINS. 4) 1 f V - - . J I- Large Tom of Extra Salespeople has ff TBnt&phsifh M 'MfM I Been Engaged for this reat Sale. Mi k?difj 0 J&i V.- . 1 ' : . . ' i . -. f . ' f t |