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Show i Tatiftr Cushnaban . i i Praises this Paper i FATHER CUSHNAHAN ENDORSES THE INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC CATHO-LIC FR03I THE ALTAR. (Corresponeler.ee Intermountain Catholic.) Ogden, Utah, Jan. 5. At the 11 o'ci:ic'r: mass on last Sunday Rev. Father Cushnahan, in recommending The Intermountain Catholic to his flock, said: "My dear friends, most of you are aware of the existence of The Intermountain Catholic, which has lately come into our midst, and, my dear friends, I want to convince you of the necessity of . having a good Catholic paper in your homes. It is a messenger from' God, and can rdach many places where my voice cannot. It is necessary for your children, as they should read pure anel wholesome literature. liter-ature. It is God's silent representative, preaching His holy will. It enlightens you and your faith, and tells of the many special graces and dispensations afforded by the church. It is as neces-' sary as the clothes you wear or the food you eat. Why, only a few days ago, I picked up a paper (of course, a sensational paper) and there in bo!r headlines I saw the startling announcement announce-ment 'That Catholics could commit no sin in 1900. '(Wonderful, indeed.) And if they did they would have to go to the Pope to get forgiven.' God help us. What a string of us there would be. Now, my dear friends, we need some other papers than these to get our church information from. So you can readily see the necessity of having a Catholic paper in your home. We need It to defend ourselves against the attacks at-tacks and criticisms made upon our faith, and to enlighten those who are not capable of. defending themselves against such accusations. Indeed, we should be proud to have such a pape; as The Intermountain Catholic among us, and which is the first venture of this kind ever made in Utah, and if ' ! - ' -: - we do not encourage anel support the paper, whom can we look to to do it? Why, if you told the pioneers some twenty years ago that there would ever be a Catholic newspaper published in , Salt Lake City they would laugh at ; , p.nn c;iH j ou crazy. But today The Intermountain Catholic flourishes side be,- side with the secular press and the Mormon journal in the Mormon capital of a Mormon state. Though yet in its-infancy, its-infancy, it bids fair to- become the greatest Catholic paper in the United - States. The Intermountain Catholic ' is a first-class paper and will sell em :" on f ts if the Catholics of Ogden . are taking some good Catholic paper 1 do not want them to drop it in order to take this, but as the saying goes, our- ! selves first and some one else after." j |