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Show W-f-f-f f-f-f "f-- I ANACONDA. I f-f 4- (Correspondence Intermountain Catholic.) Anaconda, Jan. 4. Sisters Florence and Mary Bernard of St. Patrick's Parochial Pa-rochial school, Butte, and Sister Mary Stella of the Deer Lodge Academy, 1 1 i i I : X t ' 0 """" i r iMilfiilliM i X " r--- - - rv X ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, BUTTE, MONT. 44-44 4- 4-44 i4i 4f ii 4 44.4- i 4-- 4- 4-f 4-if were guesits of St. Ann's Hospital during dur-ing the past week. Sister Mary Bernard Ber-nard will continue on to Deer Lodge, where she will assist in the work of the academy. Sister Mary Gabriella. of the Academy Acad-emy at Deer Lodge, came down to Anaconda Ana-conda Xew Year'3 to act as return es-sort es-sort for her many pupils who were spending the holidays at their homes in Butte and Anaconda. While h?re Sister Sis-ter Gabriella was the guest of the Sisters Sis-ters at St. Ann's. Xew Year's eve the junior choir of St. Paul's met at the Anaconda Catholic Catho-lic club rooms and after a pleasingly rendered programme presented the choir director, Mrs. George Burn-ham, j with a pair of handsome gold-rimmed ; glasses as a token, of the tr-steem and j gratitude of the choir. Rev. Father ; Follet honored the assembly with his presence. Refreshments- were served, j Following is the programme rendered: March, Miss L. Whalen; recitation, Miss L. Sullivan; reading, Miss D. McCaffrey'; Mc-Caffrey'; instrumental solo, Miss M. Whalen: vocal solo, Mis M. McCaffrey; McCaf-frey; presentation address, Miss M. McCaffrey. ST. PETER'S. The first hour of the Xew Year morn Avas a time of devotion and resolve at St. Peter's. High Moss, was celebrated by Rev. Father Coopman. During Mass the Blessed Sacrament was ex. posed. . The music, which was a very : high order, was under the direction of ; Professor Kenniccoft. The Church waa : crowded. Great numbers approached i Holy Communion at 10:15 a. m. Xew j Year's day High Mass was celebrated , and in point of attendance, devotion : and; excellence, was a worthy revival of the midnight service. Through some accident in last week's issue, the Holy Innocents entertainment entertain-ment given by pupils of the Ursuline Convent in St. Peter's Church was placed under the heading of hospital news. While not responsible, the Montana office regrets the error, and in rectifying it takes advantage of the fact to add further words of commendation commen-dation in regard to the excellence of the children-'s work. The noticeable improvement in all lines, the artless, easy grace, the execution rnd distinct and correct enunciation of the "Queen's English" should recommend the Ursuline Ursu-line Convent as the proper place to send children to get results of the highest order. The audience on the occasion oc-casion of the entertainment extended far out into the street. S Colonel T. O'Leary is reported in prison at Rossland, B. C, as a Fenian-spy. Fenian-spy. ST. PAUL'S. The new year was ushered in at St. Paul s with solemn nte-s and pealing music. Mass was celebrated by Father Toilet during the exposition of the Blessed, Sacrament, which continued until 1:30 a. m. The children's choir assisted by the juniors under Mrs. Burnham andi Miss Mollie Hogan, ren dered very fine music. The myriad lights on the altar made a very pretty effect. .-2s At 8 a. m. Xew Year's day solemn High Mass was sung, music was rendered ren-dered by the junior choir, assisted by some of the best talerJt in the city. At midnight Mass Father Foflet preached 1 a sermon on the necessity of beginning 1 and living out each year with God's benediction on our efforts. , marked success achieved by the Paul-ist Paul-ist Fathers elsewhere will be repeated in Helena, A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 27, at 4 o'clock at the Cathedral of the Sacred Sa-cred Heart, Helena, the contracting parties being Joseph P. Dezell of Anaconda Ana-conda and Miss Ellen A. Daly of Helena, He-lena, At the appointed hour the bridal party entered the church and proceeded pro-ceeded to the altar, 'where, in the pres- ! ence of Rev. Father Day and a number num-ber of friends, they pledged their sa-, sa-, cred vows which united them in the j holy bonds of wedlock. The bride was j attended by her sister, Miss Agnes l Daly, and the groom by Hugh Gallagher. Galla-gher. The bride looked very pretty in a go-away gown of electric blue, with hat to match, and carried flowers. The bridesmaid was attired in a brown cloth suit and also carried flowers. Af-i;e Af-i;e emnony the bridal party was driven to the home of the bride's parents, par-ents, where a dainty wedding supper was served. Mr. Dezell is a prominent young man of Anaconda. His fair bride is a popular Helena belle. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, Daly, well known pioneers, and waa ; born in Helena. Mr. and Mrs. Dezell ! left on the evening train for Anaconda, j their future home, taking with them i the congratulations and wishes of happiness hap-piness and prosperity from, thiir mv j friends. A large, "but very orderly, crowd "filled the cathedral at midnight of Dec. 31. Solemn High Mass was sung. The celebrant cel-ebrant was Rev. Father O'Brien; deacon, dea-con, Rev. E. P. Gueymard, S. M. ; sub-deacon, sub-deacon, Rev. P'ather Pirnat. Father Gueymard of All Hallows preached. Intense In-tense interest was manifested throughout through-out the discourse. GRANITE. The Catholic church, Rev. Father Aken officiating, will be the scene of a ' dual nuptial ceremony on Jan. 16. Mr. i Albert Wiegenstein and Miss Augusta ; Springmeyer will be united in the sa- cred bonds of matrimony. .Immediate-i .Immediate-i ly after the gordian knot will be tied ; between Mr. Peter Rosar and Miss j Minnie Wiegenstein. A wedding reception recep-tion will follow. PHILIPPSBURG. Mr. Vincent Doody, a former student of All Hollaws, spent the holidays at his home here. Mr. Doody is at present pres-ent attending the State University at Missoula. BOULDER. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Brady spent New YeL 's with their daughter, Mrs. P. Twohy of Anaconda. Mr. Charles Sharkey and Miss Nellie Sharkey of Glendale, are visitors at the Ryan homestead. MISSOULA. Father Tuesnel of Frenchtown, is up and around again after a severe attack at-tack of typhoid. Commemorative century services were held in. the Catholic Church at midnight Dec. 31. High Mass was celebrated cele-brated with musical accompaniments. Father Palladino preached an appropriate appropri-ate sermon. |