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Show THE CIRCUMCISSION. Holy Mother church celebrates on Monday, Jan. 1, the feast of the Circumcision Cir-cumcision of Our Lord. Circumcision was a sacrament of the Old Law, and ! the first legal observance required by I Almighty God of the descendants of Abraham. It was a saerement of initiation initia-tion in the service of God. and a prom- ise and engagement to believe and act as He had revealed and directed. The law of circumcision continued in force until the deatn of Christ, and Our Savior Sav-ior being born under the law, it be- 1 came Him, who came to teach mankind obedience to the law of God, to fulfill all justice, and to submit to it. Therefore, There-fore, He was circumcised that He might redeem them that were under the law by freeing them from the servitude of ! it; and that those who were in the con- , dition of servants before might be set at liberty, and receive the adoption of sons in Baptism, which, by Christ's institution, in-stitution, succeeded to circumcision. On the day that the divine Infant was circumcised cir-cumcised He received the name of Jesus, which signifies Savior, which had I been given Him by the angel before He ; was conceived. That name, so beauti- ! ful, so glorious the divine Child does j not wish to bear for one moment with- j out fulfilling its meaning; even at the I moment cf His circumcision He showed Himself a Savior by 'iedding for us that blood, a single cirop of which is more than sufficient for the ' lansom and salvation of the world. j |