Show TO SUIT LUKE CUYA CITY CUY ON CT A committee of the Cedar edar CIt City Chamber of Commerce wen went to Salt Lake CIt City Sunday to meet with rep S of the Ran Railway Mall Mail service service ser ser- vice lee concerning a daU dally daily mail man route U t. Kanab Utah Within the last few lew days daya It IL has hu de developed developed de- de eloped that the Denver Rio lUo Grande Railroad has submitted in an an attractive proposition concerning the e- e carrying r Of bl mail mal on the other side aide of 01 the mountain and Indications are aretha that tha the Post Office Office Office Of Of- fice department will accept such ap ap- ap i The Chamber of Commerce is la sec securing securing rInK r- r ing InK petitions to be presented to to the Post Office department and to congressmen congressmen con con- gressmen and representatives to ee secure secure re favorable action It is the duty of all citizens of Cedar Cedar Ce Ct- dar City and vicinity to help secure this daily mall route as It appears that the total cost of this service service service ser ser- vice will not exceed the present COltof cost COlt of the Star Route service The committee from the Chamber of Commerce were John P. P Fuller Puller president Erastus Jones Director and anel mem members rs Randall L. L Jones Jone Reuben J. J Shay and Gordon Halverson |